please don't go

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as they both walked in the bathroom sae-byeok carried jiyeong and placed on her the sink as she was washing her hands 

" you got hurt really bad " sae-byeok said

" I don't know sae it doesn't hurt that bad " jiyeong said

" I don't care your bleeding im helping you " 

sae-byeok started washing jiyeongs hand cleaning the blood off she was being gentle she didn't want to hurt her even more " shit !" sae-byeok said " what ? " " I don't think they have bandaids hold on let me check " sae-byeok started looking around like crazy she didn't find anything " guess well have to do it the old fashioned way " sae byeok said as she took off her shirt jiyeongs eye widened she never saw sae-byeok with only a bra she didn't want to stare she didn't want to see creepy but she couldn't help it sae-byeok ripped the shirt and wrapped it around jiyeongs hand " there " sae-byeok said jiyeong was all red and couldn't even say a word 

she just stared at sae-byeok before pulling her into a kiss jiyeong put her hands on sae-byeoks waist and sae put her hands around jiyeong 

sae-byeok took jiyeongs jacket and shirt off leaving them both with only bras on 

jiyeongs heart was pounding she felt butterflies in her stomach she couldn't process how she felt she didn't want to mess things up she felt so safe she wish it could last forever she wished there could be two winners but there can't there can only be one meaning one of them had to die first she knew that she couldn't handle sae-byeoks death she wanted to die first but could sae-byeok handle her death? what if she won and moved on and forgot about jiyeong? what if they both escaped in some mysterious way ? could the after life exist? would they meet eachother there and live their happily ever after ? jiyeong had a million thought flowing through her head she just wanted to enjoy the moment but it was hard knowing that the person you love might die in the next game .

sae-byeok pulled jiyeong away

" somethings not right what's wrong ? " sae-byeok asked

she noticed jiyeong thought

" no nothing's wrong " jiyeong said 

she lied but she didn't care she didn't want sae-byeok worrying about her instead she just pulled sae-byeok back into a kiss 

jiyeong finally felt relaxed she was kissing the girl she loved the most in the world and right now she wouldn't rather be anywhere else just with her .

suddenly sae-byeok grabbed both of jiyeongs legs and picked her up she pushed her against a wall as she put her hand on her waist . jiyeongs heart was racing  . jiyeong put her hand in sae-byeok's hair as sae started kissing her neck . jiyeong had no idea what was happening but she liked it . 

jiyeong raised sae-byeoks face she grabbed her face and pulled her into to another kiss were sae put her hands on jiyeongs waist . jiyeong pushed sae-byeok away " we should head back they must wonder were we are " jiyeong said smiling sae-byeok nodded as she put her shirt back on 

jiyeong grabbed sae-byeok's hand after she finished putting her shirt and jacket back on and they walked out of the bathroom back into the room 

" Well ! well isn't it the two love birds! " the girl with curly hair said

" what were you guys doing in the bathroom and why did you take so long ? " she said smirking

" she hurt her hand I was just helping her " sae-byeok said 

the face of the woman went from a smile to a frown 

" oh " she said 

" what do you think we were doing something else ? " jiyeong asked

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