just you and me.

263 6 0

" Everyone please form a single file line in the center of the room the second game is about to begin " the woman over the speaker said 

" como on lets go ji " 067 said grabbing jiyeongs hand

" make sure not to die in this game " jiyeong said

" I wont well both make it out of this game alive " sae-byeok said 

jiyeong smiled and they walked over to the center of the room they went into the colorful room again and walked into a playground there were shapes on the wall circle triangle square 

" what do you think this game is about ? " jiyeong asked

" I don't know but let go for triangle it seems easy " sae-byeok said

jiyeong nodded 

jiyeong and sae-byeok lined up were the triangle was " ji go infront of me " 067 said " why " jiyeong asked " I want to play with your hair " sae replied jiyeong smiled and went infront of her the pink guards handed them a plate sae-byeok and jiyeong sat next to eachother opening the plate

" dalgona " jiyeong said 

" U will have to crave out the shape in your dalgona within the 10 minute timer if u crack your dalgona or don't finish you will be eliminated " the women over the speaker said

jiyeong grabbed the pin and started craving out the triangle they had only been in the game for a minute when suddenly a player was shot 

" Player 201 eliminated " 

another woman jumped and cracked her circle 

" Player 61 eliminated "

jiyeong tried to not pay attention to the gunshots and just kept on craving her triangle she saw a woman under a slide using a lighter what a cheater she thought but she kept quiet she didn't want to start anything 

sae-byeok had craved out her triangle " see you in a bit " she said to jiyeong she stood up and gave it to the guards " Player 067 passed " jiyeong felt stressed she tried to hurry up but she didn't want to crack her triangle she finally got it out and stood up " here moron I did it " she said " player 240 passed " they took her back to the big room she walked over to sae-byeok

" you did it " sae-byeok said

" duh " jiyeong said and sat next to sae-byeok

" what are those morons doing ? " jiyeong said 

" I don't know they seem to be having a group meeting and shit " sae byeok said

456 were walking towards them 

" why is he walking up to us? wasnt he the one who literally was on top of you?" jiyeong asked

" yea lets just see what he wants I guess " sae answers

" Hey so d- " " listen sir I don't mean to be rude but weren't you on top of my gf literally yelling at her to give her back the money she " stole " from you and now your here trying to talk to us? " jiyeong said 

" yea im sorry about that.. but I was trying to say if you wanted to come with me and my friends for tonight since we think there's gonna be a fight and we want to stay safe " the man said

" thanks but no " sae-byeok said

" bu- " " she said no go away " jiyeong replied

" if you change your mind were over there " he said and walked back to his little group 

" maybe we should go over sae " jiyeong said

" what to their little group? " 067 asked

" I mean yea deok-su did pretty much beat u up a few days ago " jiyeong said

" it be best if we were with other people " jiyeong said

" but were both strong " sae-byeok stated

" maybe but compared to deok-su and his gang we'd get killed " jiyeong said

" its better to be safe " jiyeong said 

" I guess your right but we can't go over right now we'll go when the lights go out " sae-byeok said

" ok " jiyeong replied

the lights had finally gone out and sae-byeok and jiyeong walked over to 456 little group they made a plan that two people would stay up half of the night and keep taking turns if they spotted something they will tell the group the first two people were ali and sang-woo jiyeong was laying down next to sae-byeok as they were hugging when suddenly sang-woo woke them up

" tell the others a fought broke out " sang-woo said screaming 

jiyeong looked at sae-byeok 

sae-byeok stood up and grabbed jiyeongs hand and held it tightly 

" sir! a fought broke out " sae-byeok yelled to 456

" what ? " he replied 

" we need to hide " she said

sae-byeok started running jiyeong beside her suddenly something pushed them apart

jiyeong looked in all the directions trying to find sae-byeok but she didn't spot her suddenly a man pushed her against a wall putting a sharp bottle next to her neck

" don't move an inch darling " he said 

" im not your darling " she replied

he gave out a weird smirk as he put his hand on her waist

" you fucking predator " she yelled as she pushed him off her and grabbed the bottle that fell out of his hand and stabbed him in the stomach 

" who's your darling now ? " she said as she took the bottle and ran away 

the lights started flickering jiyeong was running around looking for sae-byeok the few moments she got of light she used them to look for her she spotted her deok-su and a guy were beating her up jiyeong ran over to them 

she grabbed deok-su and stabbed him with the bottle in the arm 

" shit " he yelled jiyeong shoved him to ground and kicked him in the face 

sae-byeok was fighting the other man but jiyeong still wanted to help she stabbed the man in the back with the bottle he fell to the ground and screamed jiyeong took the bottle out of his back and went over to sae-byeok

" are u ok " she asked

" yes they just corned me but I could have handled it " sae-byeok said

" I don't care if you could handle it sae im still going to help you " jiyeong said

she grabbed sae-byeoks hand tightly " don't let go " jiyeong said 

sae-byeok nodded

the old man from the group went to highest bed 

" please stop all this madness! im scared " he stated 

then the pink guards came in with coffins they were black and had a pretty pink bow tied around them they placed the dead bodies in the coffins and left 

" what do they do to the bodies?.. " sae-byeok asked

" I don't know " jiyeong replied 

" but your still alive so thats all that matters " sae-byeok said 

jiyeong smiled she felt so happy with sae-byeok she barely met this girl 2 days ago but she would give up anything for her even life .


authors note

ok im kinda hinting jiyeongs death and yes she does die im sorry but like I didn't want to change that from the show so she does die but she has different last words and im going to make her death super sad so im sorry but at least they had their love story so yea 

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