the two split and head back to class as she felt a tear drop down to her jaw. "got myself way too hype." she laughed it off before heading to a toilet to wash her face.

thats what she expected to get.

then he sighed heavily before looking up to her, butt still on the wooden bench. she hummed in response while she fidgets with her skirt, eyes still on the pink afro male infront of her.

he pats on the space next to him, signalling her to take a seat so she won't get so tired by standing. she proceeds to sit with no complains, whatsoever.

he then turns his head and face down to his feet.

y/n only kept quiet as she sits with her knees together while fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, slightly shaking by how nervous she was.

never have she ever act like that with any guy but why is it that she felt so much of it when its with him? oh, maybe it is true that the guy next to her right now is that someone she has been looking for for years.

"is it too sudden?" he suddenly spurt out before turning back to look at her. the (e/c) eyed girl only leaned back slightly as she lowers her shoulder and tilts her head to the right a bit.

"what do you mean too sudden-" she gasped just as soon as she was about to finish her sentence as realization- or maybe not- hit her. "are you saying that.. you want to unpink your hair?" she asked over as she looks at him in shock.

the male rose an eyebrow as he easily shook his head as a 'no'.

"there aint no chance in the whole damn world where i will dye my hair some other color.. i only dream of having it straight for once." he muttered the last part as he played abit with his hair.

she laughed, nodding in the process as she told him to continue as to what he wanted to tell her.

he lets out a shakey sigh before turning his body to her direction, making the girl slightly startled but she didn't mind it that much and did the same with her upper body.

silence enveloped the two, the soft footsteps of other students in the school were accompanied as white noise.

he gathered up as much courage and confidence, trying to not fuck up with what he wanted to say.

"y/n, im not sure if you'd like it but i think we should-"

"not see each other again?" she said, cutting him off so suddenly. she panicked and apologized.

negativity caught the best of me. shit. — she thought as she smacks her cheeks to stop thinking such worse scenarios because she knows what she expected will be more painful when it actually happens.

"what- no... i mean we can- THE WHOLE KISS THING SHOULD BE CLEAR AS FUCK TO EXPLAIN WHAT I WANT TO SAY!" he irked, a little irritated of himself to keep on hesitating, seriously stop shaking so much.

so what if she does not accept it? you're a damn delinquent, toman's fourth division captain. get. yourself. together! — he nagged at himself, internally.

little did he know that y/n's mind is dense. dense as fuck. it'll take awhile for her to get what he meant so he better say it or she'll just shrug it off-

"you wanna go out? with.. with me?" oh, guess she isn't that dense huh.

nahoya nodded abit as he sulked, still mad at himself. but while he was so upset with himself, his heart was beating so fast. and it was no different for the girl beside him as she felt her cheeks burning up.

was it from the slap she gave herself. or was it from the guy's little request. could be both. could be one of them. and if it is just one of them, then its gotta be the latter.

pure genuine happiness appeared on her face as she jumped up from the spot she sat on and grab his hand in excitement. she jumped up and down, waving their hands together as well.

not fully aware of what she was doing, due to the excitement that was piling up in her heart and mind till the fact that it reached its limits and went overboard.

nahoya was kinda surprised at how she suddenly changed up but was happy at her response.

"lets go out! after school?" he could only hummed in response as he admires the girl happily jumping around like a child.

"great. great. i'll see you then! don't meet me during lunch, aight."

he nodded as he watch her figure walk back into the building, skipping her feet in the halls. as soon as she disappear from his sight, he melted down to the bench with a heavy sigh.

souya walked to his brother and asked how it went, although he already know how it ended as a little smile curled up on his usually so upset face.

"oh it went just as you adviced!" nahoya smiled again, leaning his head back.

"so after school, hm." the blue afro male repeated what she said as his twin nodded. "why not just see her during lunch?"

"she say to only meet after school.."

"but thats about hours from here."

"exactly. that's why im so impatient right now."

pink; kawata nahoya.smileyWhere stories live. Discover now