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Officer: "Missing kid is Lucy Prichard. 20 months old. Red and pink jacket, denim jumper. That's her nanny, Sarah Rendell. Older nanny with her is Veronica Nash. Says a freak's been hanging around here the past couple days. Figured if it was a pedophile snatch, you guys would want to get an early heads up."

Elliot: "Okay. Thanks. Tell the nannies to stick around. Where's Olivia?"

Elizabeth: "Emergency hearing on the Yeager case. Gonna take a few days" she informs "Think it's a kidnap, or she just wandered off?"

Elliot: "Sounds like the real deal. We got a nanny here that says she saw a creepy guy. Bushes are a perfect place for a perv to fantasize."

Elizabeth: "So he hides up here, lures the kid over, and then carries her off to a waiting car."

Elliot: "Liz..." he trails off, looking at something in the bushes "Call a bus!"

Elizabeth: "Got it!"

Elliot: "Stay with me, sweetheart. Stay with me. It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be alright." he assures, pulling Lucy in his arms


Elizabeth: "I spoke to the mom. She's on her way. Works at an ad agency downtown. May take a while to get here."

Elliot: "And the dad?"

Elizabeth "Died last year. Heart attack."

Elliot: "Hits just keep coming, huh?"

Elizabeth: "The nanny's in the waiting room."


Sarah: "I only took my eyes off her for a moment. One minute she was playing, the next she was gone."

Elliot: "We heard about a strange guy who's been hanging around the playground. Did you see a man today?"

Sarah: "No, but Veronica did. She saw him a couple times before."

Elizabeth: "Have you?"

Sarah: "No. And I take Lucy to that playground every day."

Elliot: "Where else do you two go?"

Sarah: "Mostly the park, the zoo, or the museum if it's rainy. Her mom wants her to get lots of fresh air."

Elizabeth: "Anybody ever pay unusual attention to Lucy?"

Sarah: "No. I see the same people all the time. I don't remember any strangers."

Evelyn: "Oh, God, Lucy." she calls out, hurrying up the stairs

Elliot: "Mrs. Prichard."

Sarah: "Evelyn, I am so sorry."

Evelyn: "Where's Lucy?"

Elizabeth: "In surgery. The doctors are doing everything they can."

Elliot: "I'm Detective Stabler Special Victims. This is Detective Benson."

Evelyn: "Who did this?"

Elliot: "We've just started our investigation. Sarah has been very helpful."

Evelyn: "How could you let this happen?" she breathes, shaking her head at Sarah as Elliot motions for Elizabeth to take her away

Elizabeth: "Sarah, come on. Let's go get some coffee."

Evelyn: "What if she's not okay? Oh, God. This can't be happening. I don't know what I'll do if I lose her" she sobs, crying in Elliot's chest as he rubs her back in comfort "Why is God punishing me?"

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