You hummed in response, not that you asked how they knew each other but you shrugged it off. You smile as you look at Yelena then at Tiffany, assuming something happened between them. "So an ex or-"

"We'd like to order now."


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"Funny of you to assume that she's my ex."

"But you definitely did something...right? She's cute and looks fun to be around." You nudge Yelena as the both of you get out of the car. "Or did she reject you?"

"Nobody rejects me," she chuckled. "And we didn't do anything. I don't look at her that way."

"Oh?" You crossed your arms, "So she's not your type? So what is?"

She gave you an odd look, furrowing her brows. "You're very curious about me huh, why is that Y/N?"

You shrugged, "This is the only time I get to ask so c'mon, what's your type? I'll tell you mine." You locked eyes with her, a half grin on your face as you awaited her response. "You're more for the shy type aren't you?"

"No, I like 'em bold." She blurted.

You were actually surprised to hear that. You could only throw your hands up in defense. "Oh ok, I was mistaken. Why are we here?" You walked into a store that sold formal clothes for galas and what not.

"For something tomorrow," she answered. "And you?" She asked, going back to the previous topic; looking over at you.

You shrugged, "When they have outstanding personalities. It's just something about 'em. But I like when they play hard to get sometimes."

She laughed, "That's actually not hard to believe."

"I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing." You look around and see the dressed mannequins and workers all around the store. One came up to you and asked if you needed any assistance. You let Yelena talk since you assumed she was only here for herself.

"Can we see your best dresses?" She asked.

You furrowed your brows, She wears dresses too? Shocking. You thought as you followed both her and the lady to the designated area. You looked around, intrigued by all the different patterns and colors until Yelena asked for your focus. "Hmm?"

"I need you to try on a few things for me."

You stared at her and then laughed. "Me? For what?" She didn't respond, only held out the dress she chose for you to grab. You placed your hands on your hips, "Who said I was wearing a dress? Why can't you wear it?"

She scoffed, "Because I don't wear them."

Your jaw dropped. "Oh so it looks like I wear them?" You emphasized. Well you used to when you were in middle school and for your first two years of high school. "I am not putting that on."

She still holds out the dress as if she's insisting you try it on. "Cmon just try it on, you'll take it off after. Please?"

"Tell me why I need to wear one," you say, squinting your eyes slightly.

"I'm invited to this thing tomorrow," she says, running her fingers through her hair. "You're my plus one and you gotta be pretty."

"I'm already pretty without the dresses Yelena. How about I choose something to wear?" Just then, one of the workers came back with another dress and excitedly grabbed your hand, pulling you behind the doors of the dressing room.

"Hun, you should try this on, you'll be beautiful in this," she said.

"This was not in the contract," you groaned. You could hear Yelena's chuckles from the other side. When the lady left, you looked at the dress. It was a long slim dress of suede material. Well it's not ugly. You thought. I should just get it over with. You began to remove your clothes and then carefully put on the dress. You sighed that there were no mirrors on the inside so you had to walk out. Meaning that Yelena will see you in a dress. This is so humiliating.

"Let's see," she said as she knocked on the door.

"Uh, it's not bad actually. I'm not leaving out though..." You hear the door creak and see Yelena's figure appear. "I-it wasn't locked?"

"Nope." There was a smirk plastered on her face as she looked at you. "You look beau-"

"Ok you've seen me in the dress, I'm taking it off, get out please." You motioned your hands telling her to leave as you nervously laughed. "Just give me the other one to try on."

"No, we're getting this one," she said.

"Oh, alright," you said. She shut the door and you changed back into your clothes. Holding the dress in your hands as you walked out.

"Is that all?" The lady asked. Yelena nodded as she passed the dress to her.

You scoff, "So you came here for a dress, that I gotta wear?"

"Yes. Don't worry, it's just for one night," she laughed.

"Uhuh yea it better be."


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"Yelena what if something happens? I can't move in a dress like that."

"Pft you really hate dresses. Trust me, nothing's gonna happen."

You rolled your eyes as you leaned on the kitchen counter. "Whatever, it better be food there."

"Of course it will." She stood up, "I'm gonna shower and don't think so hard about tomorrow. It'll be quick.

You let out a long sigh as you watched her walk away

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You let out a long sigh as you watched her walk away. "This is a set up."

"It's not, don't say that!"

AN//: I literally fell asleep after class sorry💀
And is this a good chapter?

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