The witch misses her hero

Depuis le début

Ron: Yeah i know. Im gonna miss you.

Luz: Me too.

Then suddenly a big explosion happen at the town.

Ron: Ummmmmmm.......

Luz: Well what are you waiting for??? Go and save the day already.

Ron then slammed his Ultimatrix on his wrist and he transfrom into FASTTRACK.

Ron then slammed his Ultimatrix on his wrist and he transfrom into FASTTRACK

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Ron: Well gotta go. See you after summer babe.(he speed off towards the danger)

Luz: I'll see you too my hero and i love you Al amado.(in her thoughts)
Flashback ended
Luz: Those were the sweetest memory i ever had with him.

Hooty: HEYYYA LUZZZZ WHACHA DOING!!!!!!(He came outta nowhere)

Luz: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! (She tried to hit hooty)

Hooty: Wow Luz slowdown will ya just checking to see your alright.

Luz: Hooty, STOP SCARING ME LIKE THAT OK... its kinda creepy you know.

Hooty: Jeez, someone is a bit of a mood killer but anyways are you alright Luz you looked pretty unhappy to me so what's wrong.

Luz: Oh it's just that i miss someone that's all.

Hooty: Oh it's about your mom Luzz.

Luz: No Hooty, someone more precious too me in the entire world.


Luz: No Hooty, It's just my boyfriend that's all.

Hooty:WHATTTTT!!!!!!! You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend Luzzzz. I thought we were budsssss.(As he crieds)

Hooty cried like no tomorrow and then King came in to my room.

King: Jeezzzzzz, What's that guy deal anyway????

Luz: Oh he just sad when i told him about my boyfriend.

King: Whatt!!!!!! You have a boyfriend and didn't tell me about him.

Then, Eda came into room after she heard about my conversation with king.

Eda: WHATTTT!!!!! Luz had a boyfriend and she didn't told us about him.

Luz: Calm down guys. I was meant to tell you guys about him but........

Willow and gus also join the conversation.

The Witch and The Hero: The owl house crossover(Luz x OC reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant