"Do you like to read?" She asked

I had always loved to read...I've probably read just about every book at hogwarts...but she didn't need to know that.

"I've read a few books here and there" I shrugged

"I love it, I've read just about every book at hogwarts" she scoffed

"I wonder why it was locked?" She asked

"Your guess is as good as mine."

"Let's look around for a few minutes" she suggested

A few minutes turned to a few hours...and before I knew it, the small window that the sun beamed through...was now moonlight.

"Okay come on" she shoved me

"Why'd you stop reading?" I yawned

"I've read to you for hours...we should go
To bed" she laughed

"No dinner?"

"Did they even supply us food?" She laughed

"One way to find out" I walked out of the library in search of the kitchen

"Well if it isn't a kitchen" I scoffed

"I highly doubt they have food-"

I interrupted her by opening the silver fridge, food stocked to the rim.

"Holy shit" I breathed

"They really know how to keep a guest" she stood in awe

I shut the fridge and began looking through the cabinets...food in everyone...stocks of food.

I opened the last cabinet to reveal loads of alcohol.

"Let's get drunk" i smirked

"Absolutely not!" She spat

"Have you ever drunk before?" I asked

"...no...and I don't plan to"

"Here...try it" I slid a bottle of red wine to her

She picked up the bottle and examined it.

"Red wine?"

"My mum loves it" I tapped my fingers on the table

"There's no glasses" she shrugged

"Here" I opened a cabinet full of wine glasses

I poured her a glass and sat it in front of her.

"Drink" I ordered

She drew in a deep breath, she scooped up the glass with both hands and slowly brought it to her lips.

Serpents.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang