Chapter 10- Queen Rapunzel

Start from the beginning

Eugene's old friend, Lance walks up to us. "Don't worry, your majesty." He puts his hands on Eugene's and Rapunzel's shoulders. "We've totally got everything under control."

I giggle as Pascal nervously shakes his head.

As we bid our final farewells to our parents Lance triumphantly throws his hands in the air as the royal carriage exits the courtyard. "KITCHEN RADE!!" He exclaims, already running back into the palace.

The rest of the thugs follow behind him and Cassandra quickly pulls out a sword and begins to chase after them. Eugene and I exchange a glance before chasing after the angry handmaiden. "Cass WAIT!!!"



"I was so darn certain that I'd got this...but I'm not this...not yet..."

I walk through the halls petting the fur of one of the kittens that had overrun the kingdom and stop when I see Rapunzel standing in front of our family portrait, looking completely dejected. "Raps? Is something wrong?" I quietly ask.

Rapunzel looks at me with sad eyes. "(yn), how am I ever going to be queen?"

"What are you talking about?" I sit down against the wall and pat the spot next to me for Rapunzel to sit.

She sighs and sits. "Today was a disaster! All of those people came to me for help and I only made things worse!"

I set the small kitten in Rap's lap. Rapunzel gently strokes his white fur and slightly smiles. "What's this for?"

I shrug. "You looked like you could use a kitty." I place a hand on her shoulder. "Look, Raps, nobody is expecting you to be the perfect queen on your first day. You're bound to make mistakes, and that's okay. The important thing is that you learn from them."

Rapunzel pulls me into an embrace and I grin. "Thanks (yn)." She softly says. "I don't know what I'd do without you."


I snuggle deeper into my blankets and the story from the book I had borrowed from the library captivates me more and more with each word. I was still amazed at how exciting fantasy was! I let out a happy sigh. Today all I'm going to do is read my book, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop me.

The door to the study flies open and Rapunzel is beaming at me. "(YN)!"

"Rapunzel? What's tangled your hair?" I joke.

"(Yn), look! It's snowing!" She happily spins around and points to the window. "Isn't it amazing?"

I chuckle. "Haven't you seen snow before?"

"Well, yeah. But I've never actually gotten to be outside in it! Will you come outside with me? I have to make a snowman."

I sigh. "But my book..."

"...will still be here when we're done." Rapunzel finishes for me.

"Fine." I smile and stand up to grab my snow gear.

After Rapunzel and I have changed, we head to the courtyard where a decent amount of snow and the people of Corona have accumulated. "Loyal subjects of Corona, as your temporary queen, I officially declare today..." Rapunzel pauses for dramatic effect before throwing her arms into the air. "A snow day!!"

The people cheer and Eugene clears his throat. "And as your temporary king, I-" The former thief is cut off when I throw a snowball and hit his face. I laugh and Eugene sarcastically chuckles. "Ha ha ha...nice shot..." He mutters.

We play together in the snow for the rest of the day, until the sun begins to dip below the horizon, casting a silvery golden glow on the courtyard. Cassandra and I set up a small bonfire, and the kingdom's blacksmith, Xavier, joins us to tell stories of long ago. The children gather around and nestle close to me as I pass out marshmallows and roasting sticks for them.

"Has it always snowed this much?" Rapunzel asks as she and Eugene join us by the fire.

"Only once, at least, according to legend," Xavier says with a mischievous grin.


"The legend of Zahn Tiri." Xavier announces, throwing another log into the fire and causing it to roar to life. "Eons ago, an evil warlock had a deep hatred for Corona and cast a spell which caused a blizzard to sweep across the land. The storm destroyed everything in its path. All would have been lost, had it not been for the ancient engineer and inventor, Lord Demanitus."

"Oh, I know him! I've read about Demanitus in the castle's books." I say.

Xavier nods. "He is still as famous as he was back then. Demanitus was a revolutionary inventor. Using both magic and science, Demanitus built a massive subterranean machine deep in the Corona mountains. This mighty device had the ability to change direction of the wind, and pushed the flurries out to sea." Xavier smiles. "The day was saved. Zhan Tiri had, indeed, been defeated. But some say the curse of the storm lives on and is simply waiting to strike again.

"Waiting?" Rapunzel asks. "For what?"

"For Corona to be at its weakest." Xavier hisses.

"'For Corona to be at its weakest?'" She skeptically asks. "But it is only a legend, right, Xavier?"

Xavier chuckles. "My dear, every legend is born of truth."

I stare at Xavier with wide eyes, mesmerized by his tale.

Eugene sighs. "Wow, bravo. Way to keep the party going as always Xavier."

The wind harshly blows, and everyone stumbles back from the strong force. The icy chill of the cold nips at my exposed nose and cheeks.

"Okay, um, I think for everyone's safety we should all head indoors!" Rapunzel announces.

We begin to usher everyone inside of the castle as we hear the familiar sound of horse whinnies. "Max?" I called.

I gasp as Maximus enters the courtyard, struggling to make his way through the harsh winter snow. The horse wasn't pulling the royal carriage.

He was alone.

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