3 | Not supposed to be her

Start from the beginning

She clenched her fists to hide the obvious shaking of her hand as one of the girls welled the tape around her wide hips. After what felt like forever for Raina McCoy, the girls were finally done, and they packed up their bags.

" I must compliment your skin and figure, Miss McCoy. Furthermore, I would love to let you know that we would be back after some hours with your new closet. Is there any type of clothing in particular you would like to request? " Stacey Hughes asked with a smile.

" Uh... anything comfortable? " Raina replied (more like asked unsurely) and with a nod, the girls strutted out of the room and shut the door behind them.

Releasing a breath she was not aware she was holding, Raina immediately rushed towards her bag and pulled out a gray T-shirt and some faded jeans before slipping them one and applying some perfume on herself.

Hopefully, Emma Addington had seen this brand of clothing before.

Raina stepped out of her room and her toes curled as they made contact with the cold tiles of the hallway floor. Trusting herself to remember the tour she had been given the day before, she made her way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

There, she found Caldwell Loughty whistling a tune as he scrubbed the dishes in the large sink. Her feet took her towards him and upon hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps, he froze before turning to stare at her. Slowly, a smile spread out on his face and he spoke cheerily " Good morning Miss McCoy "

" Good morning, Mr. Caldwell, and please call me Raina..." she insisted with a smile. There was no way she was letting the older man address her in such a respective way.

" Only if you do call me Caldwell " the man grinned and she slowly nodded before her gaze shifted towards his hands which were shoved into the foamy water.

" Let me help, Caldwell " she insisted, but the man shook his head. He was a stubborn man, and he was not going to let anyone steal his job from him.

" Never mind that, Raina, I have your breakfast covered up and placed on the countertop. Why don't you go fill your stomach? "

" But- "

" No buts Raina, it is my job to feed everyone in the mansion so go on now..." He shooed her, and she let out a defeated sigh before walking towards the middle of the kitchen where the large granite countertop was placed.

Raina got on the high stool before opening up a plate and letting out a sigh when she saw the man had given her far too much. It was a typical British full breakfast consisting of Sausages, scrambled eggs, bacon, steak, toast, beans, hash browns, tomatoes, black pudding and boiled eggs.

It seemed once again she would be forcing herself to finish a meal, so after saying a quick prayer, she dug in.

" Have you had your breakfast ye- "

" Yes, Raina. You can finish up your breakfast now, " the man chuckled before drying his hands with a clean towel and approaching her.

" Uh, Caldwell? Aren't Mr. Addington and the twins coming down for breakfast? I should not be having breakfast without them, " She placed her fork down and wiped her mouth with a napkin, pushing her plate away.

" Well Mr. Addington left for work like an hour ago and Barbara took the twins to school " The man replied before gesturing at her to continue her meal.

A frown was etched to her face as she begrudgingly picked her fork back up. She felt disappointed. Had she overslept? She had not even been able to come downstairs earlier, since she had been gawking and looking around her new bathroom. With a sigh, she forced herself to finish her meal.

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