Broken Memories

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Also posted on Tumblr @/ymiwritesstuff

The night had long fallen over the monastery, and with it fell the silence that five years ago would have been comforting. Now, in the midst of war, however, it was grueling.

It had only been a few days since you decided to spend the nights in the room that you called yours during your time at the Officer's Academy. Before that, you had avoided it somewhat. The royal blue sheets that represented the house you resided in would envelop your body that had become fatigued due to training in the best ways possible and the desk on which laid an array of spellbooks and quills would invite you to a fascinating session of studying that would prepare you for class the next day.

They were all but a reminder of a time of peace, something your war-ridden mind didn't allow you to reminisce. With everything going on, it was much too difficult to think positively. The Kingdom army was so microscopic in power when compared to the Empire, each day you wondered if this time it would fall. But it didn't. Not yet at least.

And despite your grim headspace, you still returned to your room each night.

Everything was just as you remembered, albeit just a tad dustier. With little arrangements you did the first time you returned, it looked as it once did. Just as you remembered.

Ever since the war began, you could never actually fall asleep properly, no matter where you rested. Your thoughts would just swirl in your troubled head, trying to make some sense of things that occurred. Yet, when you were surrounded by the familiar scenery, it brought you some sense of calm.

Perhaps your mind was merely trying to grasp something that used to comfort you, you weren't sure, but you would be lying to yourself if you claimed that you felt nothing like you used to. The only thing that was missing, was his presence next to you.

Your gaze fell to your hands on your lap, the moonlight providing the illumination in your room. You could have lit a few lanterns, but your eyes had already gotten used to the darkness. That, and you were tired. However, not tired enough to change into something more comfortable to sleep in.

Your mind was on him, as it often was during this time of hardship. Your heart broke at the sight of him, how far he had gone down in his path for revenge. His cold stare that was framed by his tired eyes sent shivers down your spine every time it landed on you, and it wasn't often. He would only ever acknowledge you if you voiced your opposing opinion on his irrational plans that were fueled by his burning desire to have the emperor's head on a silver platter.

Was he still the same person behind those dull eyes of his, you often wondered. Was his mind so clouded by unrelenting vengeance that he had forgotten himself? This, and many more questions floated in your mind when you were left alone with them. You missed him and the connection you used to have with him. How you used to enjoy a cup of the most luxurious tea the monastery had to offer, how you used to exchange glances during class and how he used to hold your hand with the utmost care, being mindful of his strength with which he could have easily broken it.

All of the things you once had, were lost to time. You frowned at the thought, gripping the fabric of your pants tightly.

You almost didn't hear the faint knock on your door, but when you did, you looked in its direction. Strange. You didn't think anyone would want to see you during this late of an hour. Then again, you remembered Byleth mentioning something about an issue they wished to discuss with you. What a peculiar time for that though. Still, it wasn't like you were getting any sleep soon, so, with a small sigh, you headed for the door.

Upon opening it, however, you weren't met with the stoic face of the professor, but with a familiar one that had drowned in despair a long time ago.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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