Chapter 4 - I messed up...

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"So the firehouse? Anyone still there?" Harper asked as she sat down on the couch
"Uhm yeah, everyone apart from Boden and Herrmann they left a few years ago" Kelly explained
By this time everyone had gone home
"And what about you? You still that cocky Captain that I knew 20 years ago" Harper laughed
"I wouldn't know, I left after you" Kelly sighed as he stopped himself
"Kelly trust me if I could've I would've told you" Harper explained
"You left me with 5 kids Harper, how the hell was I going to do that on my own?!" Kelly asked
"You did a pretty good job! 2 of our kids are doctors, 1 is a police man and 2 of them are firefighters kelly! You did a better job than what I could've" Harper explained
"I nearly ended it when you "died" it - it felt like I was screaming and no one could hear me! I was on 5 different pills to stop the kids from having no family at all! I came home everyday wondering if you would be making dinner or watching tv but you weren't!" Kelly yelled
*19 years ago*
"Hey Babe? I was wondering if-" Kelly said as he walked into Harper's quarters
But her quarters were empty and lifeless
"Get over it Severide, she's been dead for a year now" Casey said as he sighed
"Oh right, I - I forgot" Kelly sighed before walking away
"Does he still think she's alive?" Dawson asked
"Everyday he walks in, thinking she's going to be there. But she's not and she never will be" Casey said bluntly
"Are you sure your okay?" Dawson asked
"I'm fine" Casey said before walking away
Dawson then goes out to find Kelly, she finds him on the rooftop
"You okay?" She asked as she stepped off the ladder
"Part of me is still waiting for her to come back" Kelly admitted
"We all are" Dawson said as she sat down next to him
"You know Devin asked me last night when mom was coming home and if she was bringing any presents back from her vacation. I didn't know what to tell him, so I... I said she's coming home soon" Kelly replied
"Caroline has been asking too, you never really know what to say. They're too young to understand yet they want to know everything" Dawson explained
"And we don't know how to give them the answers" Kelly said
"Your going to get through this Kelly, we all are" Dawson said
*Present Day*
"Kelly" Harper muttered
"I'm going to bed" Kelly said before wandering up the stairs
After a while Harper started to look around, she finds herself in the bathroom where she cried in Kelly's arms after loosing her baby. She sat down in the exact same spot, curled up her legs and started to sob. Yet she didn't know why. Kelly then appeared at the door
"I'm sorry" Harper sobbed
"I messed up" Harper admitted
Kelly then walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her just like that night...

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