Chapter 1

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pov Louis"Louis wake up," my mother shouts upstairs. I groan I really don't want to go to school. at school they don't like me because my parents are criminals. they immediately think I'm going to be a criminal just because my parents are. I get up from my bed and look at the time. luckily I still have an hour and a half so I can take it easy. I put on my black jeans with a white shirt and a black vest. I put the hood over my head, my hair wasn't ready anyway.

I quietly walk downstairs and hear all my sisters at the table talking to my parents. "Good morning," I say sleepily. "Good morning Lou" my sisters say back at the same time. "boobear isn't there a school party at your school soon?" my mother asks. "Yeah, but I don't think I'm going," I say honestly. "why not lou?" my sister Lottie asks. 

I don't feel like going to parties where nobody likes me except Niall but he is really the only one. they don't want a criminal at a party. you would think because they all want to be heroes they would be nice well no. they behave like criminals. "I don't know, I'll ask Niall what he's going to do," I say.

after we're done eating get a text from Niall.

Neil😂❤😆 : I'm standing in front of your house come out.. 

"I'm gone" I yell before closing the door. I walk to Niall's car and get in. he's the only one who doesn't judge me about my parents being criminals. they may be criminals but they are just good parents and sweet too. they just act normal unless they have a mission then they act like criminals otherwise just normal but no one knows that except niall. "Hey bitch," Niall says cheerfully. "How can you be so happy on a Monday morning?" I ask Niall. "I don't know, I'm just happy," he says.

when we got to school. we walk in together. I hear whispers everywhere and everyone looks at me. ugh i hate this so fucking much. like just let me live my life. when we walk to Niall's locker, Zayn and Liam are already waiting for their boyfriend. the three of them are in a relationship. some think it's weird but i think it's normal. "hey babe Zayn says to Niall. "hi boo" Liam also says to Niall. they haven't noticed me yet but they are fascinated. ''hi baby'' Niall says back shyly and gives both a kiss on the lips."hey Louis" Zayn and Liam say after kissing Niall. "hey" I say awkwardly. "Lou which lesson do you have first?" Niall asks me. '' uhh I think I have maths first, do you?'' I say back I hope we have the same but Niall's face is not. ''I have history'' he says with a sad face that is soon kissed happily by Liam. the bell rings and we say our see you later.

~~skip the lessons~~

pov Niall

I walk to the cafeteria and see Zayn and Liam already sitting with their friends Harry, Edward and Marcel. I quickly walk towards it. ''Hi babes, and bitches'' I say cheerfully. "Hi babe" Zayn and Liam say. "Hi Niall," the triplets say at the same time. I give them a happy smile and sit on Zayn's lap. then suddenly a group of girls come up to me and they are on the cheerleading team. they call their group Little mix they were 4 at first but now 7 girls are in it. Taylor, Kendall, Eleanor, Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne. "Hey Niall, can we ask you something?" Taylor asks. "Yeah okay what do you want to ask?" I ask. "Okay we have 2 questions" says Kendall. I nod that she can continue talking. "Why are you friends with louis he is a criminal?" Taylor asks bluntly. I look at her shocked hat she dares to ask that just like that Louis is my friend ''because he's nice and not a criminal you don't know him'' I say back angrily, she didn't like that very much on her face ''the 2nd question was is Louis single or not? Eleanor asks a bit shy i look at her weird first they ask why i'm friends with him then they ask if he is single or not ''yes he's single'' i say without looking at them i got really tired of them. they nod at my answer to their question.''I should think carefully if you want to be friends with a criminal, he will probably steal or destroy something from you'' says Kendall laughing. now I'm really angry I stand on van Zayn's lap and put my finger in her face ''Listen up bitch, Louis is not a criminal he didn't steal  so stop talking all that shit that isn't even true'' i say angrily. she rolls her eyes and walks away, her group of friends follow her like puppies.

I cooled down after a few minutes. "Who is Louis?" Harry asks after a while of silence. I look at him weird how can he not know who that is everyone is talking about him. ''that's my best friend'' I say after a while. he and his brothers nod. "See you later during the gym," I say. "Okay," the triplets say at the same time. 

pov harry
I'm very curious about that Louis. we all walk to the dressing room. when we are inside I see the most beautiful boy ever he has only his black jeans on and his beautiful blue eyes. wow his fucking body. I could do so many things with that. I think. omg and his ass wow I would love to squeeze there. okay stop Harry you can't get hard now and certainly not for gym. when I turn to my brothers I see them looking at him too. I think they want him too. "What are you looking at?" Zayn asks. ''oh to nobody'' Marcel says quickly maybe a little too quickly. "Did you look at that boy with the blue eyes?" Niall asks. Edward nods slowly yes with his head. Niall immediately gets a smile on his face. '' he is so beautiful and nice '' I say to them. Niall gets an even bigger smile on his face, I didn't even know that was possible wow. Niall looks at me and my brothers with a grin and then goes around the blue eyes boy. me and my brothers eyes get big oh no what is he going to do.

"No Niall come back," Edward says. "Niall no," says Marcel. I'm too shocked to say anything. Niall says something to the boy that makes him laugh. he has a really nice smile. oh no he's coming here. fuck, fuck, fuck. ok behave normally. "hey" says the boy with the blue eyes. wow his voice fuck how would he moan. ''hi'' me and my brothers say at the same time as metstal. ''I'm Edward and this is Marcel and Harry'' Edward says to us because we are too shy to say anything. the boy wants to say something back only Niall beat him. ''Guys this is my best friend Louis'' he says proudly.Shit how could I I didn't know this Niall really talks about him a lot I should have listened better and the looks of my brothers thought the same.

this was the first chapter what did you think? I've never written smut btw but I'm going to try so yes. hope you will like it.

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