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Chapter 11 I want to go to school too.
  When the heavy rain was pouring down, the food in their village was not all moved.

  Although there is not much left, for the villagers in the village, even one catty or two catties is enough to make them feel distressed.

  "Quick! Quick! Everyone hurry up. Move these grains into the warehouse. Everyone pay attention, don't put them together with dry rice." The village head is not young, but he is at this time. But just like the young people in the village, braved the heavy rain, carrying some pre-packed rice on their shoulders, and ran towards the warehouse.

  As for some rice that hasn't been installed, the village party secretary took a group of people and moved out the few plastic sheets in their village to cover the rice.

  Fortunately, they were prepared long ago, under the concerted efforts of everyone. It had just been about ten minutes after the heavy rain, these grains had been gathered up by them and placed in a corner of the warehouse.

  This heavy rain is a common thunderstorm in summer, and the rain is not particularly long. However, the rainfall is particularly large.

  The drying field can be regarded as the highest and relatively flat place in their village. Even so, many places have accumulated a lot of rainwater.

  After the rain stopped, these villagers who were hiding from the rain around the drying yard looked at the rain on the drying yard and felt very grateful.

  Some of them didn't understand it before. The village head was anxious and asked them to move the rice to the warehouse for what they did.

  It seems that it makes sense for someone to become a village chief. Look, how foresight.

  Seeing the village chief walking out of the house, these people hurriedly surrounded him.

  "Uncle San, I really thank you this time. If it weren't for you, our village would have suffered a great loss." "No, San Uncle, you are terrific."

  "Sanshugong, thanks to you, if it weren't for you, our life this year would have been difficult."

  Listening to these villagers grateful for themselves, the village chief Ye waved his hand at them.

  "Guys, we really should be grateful for the person who discovered this heavy rain in advance. But this person is not me. It is the fifth girl of the Tie Zhu family, the Qing girl."

  "It was she who came to me this morning and told me. Since it might rain during the day today, I asked everyone to collect the food in advance. In the face of this torrential rain, the losses in our village can be said to have been minimized. This time, the green girl is standing the great merit of. " "

  of course, here, I want to thank you for working with me. when I say take it up the food in advance, Huoer no comments objection. " "

  It has With everyone's cooperation, we were able to do so smoothly. Before the rainstorm came, we would collect the grain and minimize the loss."

  Ye Xiuqing nodded secretly in her heart when she heard the words of the village chief.

  Sure enough, anyone who can become a village head has two brushes. Look at what this says, how good it is. Not only did he not greet himself for his own merits, but he also praised the big guys.

  Sure enough, after listening to Chief Ye Village. There are some proud expressions on the faces of these villagers.

  Then everyone turned their eyes to Ye Xiuqing, who was standing outside the crowd.

  Before, Ye Xiuqing's reputation in the village was not particularly good.

  Although she is good-looking, her facial features are of a more three-dimensional kind, and she is the beauty of thick-faced beauty that will be appreciated by later generations.

  But Ye Xiuqing is still young now, and his facial features have not been extended, so it seems a bit tough. Although it is also good-looking, but for the current villagers, they think it is too offensive.

  Moreover, she has a pair of parents with a very bad reputation.

  Even if Ye Xiuqing's academic performance has always been among the best, the villagers in the village will not let their children get too close to her.

  But at this time, their eyes on Ye Xiuqing showed closeness.

  Even Ye Jiangong and Zhou Cuiyun, who stood beside Ye Xiuqing, got some grateful glances from these villagers.

  "Among the children in our village, the Qing girl should be the one with the best grades. It is true that the children who are good at school are different."

  "No, I planted the land for a lifetime and dealt with the weather for a lifetime. I used to think of me. The weather is quite accurate, but today I didn't notice any signs of rain on this day. Fortunately, there is a green girl, otherwise the food in our village can't be kept."

  Ye Xiuqing's face was heard on these villagers' words. , Showing a shy smile.

  "This is not all my credit. I just feel that the weather is a little wrong, so I told my guess to Sanshugong. Thanks to Sanshugong's decisiveness, let everyone put the food away. If he doesn't believe me If so, I found that no matter how many anomalies are, it's useless." Isn't it just exaggerating each other?

  She knows this question!

  Hearing Ye Xiuqing's words, the smile on Mr. Ye's face really became more real.

  "You girl, it's alright, you don't have to praise me. It should be your credit, that's your credit. These praises are all you deserve."

  "I remember in my office, there is another one issued by the commune before. The pen that came down. When the payment is over, on behalf of our village, I will give you this pen as a reward. I hope you can study hard in the future."

  After Ye Xiuqing smiled and agreed, the village chief Ye turned his head to face Said the villagers.

  "Most of the grains were not wet by the rain. Tomorrow we will deliver the public grains as normal. We don't need to put them in the warehouse. The big guy is thinking about it all the time. As for the grains wet by the rain, the quantity is not much anyway. Wait a few days. When the weather is better, we can put it on the drying yard and let it dry."

  Hearing the words of the village chief Ye, these villagers only felt full of energy.

  After Ye Xiuqing returned home in the evening, he was praised by Ye Tiezhu and Zhao Chunhua for this incident.

  Even during the meal, the rice Zhang Chunhua gave to Ye Xiuqing was the thickest bowl. For one, this was the only way for Ye Tiezhu, the head of the family, to receive this kind of treatment.

  Seeing Ye Xiuqing's treatment at home, Ye Xiuli, who kept her head down, felt a little wronged in her heart.

  Today it should have been Zhou Cuiyun's turn to clean up the bowls, but after everyone put down their jobs. Zhao Chunhua asked Zhou Cuiyun to stay and tell everyone about what happened in the drying yard during the day.

  Looking at the mother who was yelled by Zhao Chunhua, Ye Xiuli could not suppress the grievance that Ye Xiuli had been suppressing in her heart.

  She stood up abruptly.

  "Ye Xiuqing can understand so much because she went to school. If I also go to school, I might be better than her. Milk, since she can go to school, then I also want to go to school."

The Female Partner Gets Rich in The ChronologyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz