- prologue -

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" i guess you were always mine "

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" i guess you were always mine "


" don't worry madi , we'll see them again and you know it " you cooed as your best friend sobbed in your shoulder . we had just left the beach where we had met random people who showed us the time of our lifes , sadly we had to leave since we had college in the morning , it would be the first day of your last year and you were so excited for it to end.

- iwaizumi's pov -

( half an hour earlier )

i was forced to tag along on another one of my father's business deals , this time the meeting was on this castle looking building next to a beach , which i considered strange but then i reminisced on my fathers words. " business is business. " as i was waiting i peered down onto the bay , only to be greeted by what i thought was the most beautiful girl i had ever laid my eyes upon , her h/c hair flowing in the wind , the way she danced over the sand with her friends and more importantly , the fact her smile was genuine.

just then i was drawn away from the trance she had me in by my father ;

" O que voce acha do negocio? " he had a slight hint of anger in his voice.

( what do you think about the deal? )

" Eu acho patetico e ele e um idiota. " i said returning the anger.

( i think it's pathetic and he's an asshole. )

he chuckled then let out a sigh , " you know iwaizumi , one day this will all be yours and these types of deals and business meetings will all be up to you , in your control. "

i looked up to him , " i know , i know i just don't want to- "

before i could finish my sentence a bullet had zipped through my father's heart and hit me not long after , my hearing started to fade as i slipped unconscious.

then everything went blank..

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