"My boss is named Childe...he says you know him,"

You barely got the words out before she cut in, "OOH! I can't stand that Harbinger! I've told him a million times already I am not going to dispose of his bodies,"

Before you left that massacre site, Childe had told you that he would have someone take care of the mess. However, the Fatui member that was put responsible do doing so, unknowingly pushed it on to you. You only took the task because you didn't want the bodies to be left there.

Despite the awful events that had just taken place during the day, and although you couldn't help but feel a little upset at Childe, you were relieved to find they were at least getting proper burials.

"Ah...well...I was told to give you this,"

You handed a piece of folded cream paper and handed it to her, but she swatted you away, "I'm sorry but I will not be taking any bribery. This funeral parlor only does dignified and respectful passing ons, not the cleaning up of the Fatui's massacres,"

The thought made your stomach churn. Just how often did this happen? You couldn't help but be grateful the funeral director had morals enough not to simply dispose of bodies.

Before you could think of what to say, a shadow casted over you and spoke before you could, "let me see that,"

"You never had any problem accepting money from that Harbinger did you, Mr. Zhongli," The girl seemed to say that in a playful manner but she was paid no mind, "I can't stop you from doing what you want on your own-"

"It's enough mora and he's asking for five complete and proper burials," The man looked up from the paper with an expression you couldn't read, "plus a tip,"

There was silence for a moment,

"Aiya! Well go get everyone! This is going to be one of our biggest jobs yet,"

... ... ... ... ... ...

"So even though they're only a funeral parlor, they still clean up bodies?" You couldn't bring yourself to look at Childe so you stared off into the Liyue waters.

"No," Childe let out a frustrated sigh, "I cleaned them up. I just needed someone to get the Wangsheng funeral parlor to put the bodies somewhere. I'm sorry it somehow ended up back on you,"

It wasn't the fact that you had to see the bodies so much as the fact he took you to slaughter a whole group of people. As the days events had been left to marinate inside of you, you felt more are more naive about the Fatui.

Today it was a group of vile murderers, but tomorrow would it be a group of people who just couldn't pay their debt? Despite all the bad things the group of treasure hoarders had done, the only reason why you and Childe were out there was because they had done something to personally effect the Fatui. And sure, their murder of a business man was wrong and they certainly weren't good people, but that was up to the Millelith to handle not the Fatui to go slaughter.

"Why were so you excited this morning?" You turned to the harbinger with a unshaking gaze, holding his eyes, " You said special Fatui business like it was cool and fun...and now you're being so touchy and gentle about it,"

He sighed and found something interesting on the floor to look at, "Well it was something I was excited for. I mean, you got to put all the training to good use and I guess I was just excited to see it," He looked back at you, "It wasn't until a while later that I realized that killing a group of people for the first time probably isn't something you would be too happy about,"

You took a deep breath thinking for a minute and decided to bring up the other thing that was bothering you, "Why did you pay for five whole proper burials. If you were going to clean up the mess and bodies anyways..." you trailed off suddenly short of breath, "Why not just...just...dump them somewhere,"

The awful thought choked you out at the end of your sentence but it went unnoticed under a laugh that slipped through Childes lips.

It wasn't a laugh that friends exchanged on weekends or the type of laugh that chokes you when you get tickled. No. It was the type of laugh people gave when talking was too much and silence to unbearable.

It nervous laugh given by reflex, "They bodies need to be seen because nobody would care if a group like them was gone. But if they were made into an example...for the Fatui it would..."

How trailed off; you knew what he was saying.

... ... ... ... ... ...
{Just to specify, the italic dialog in this segment is a flash back to a conversation you have with Zhongli while you were at the funeral parlor.}

"So, how did it go?" You could barely hear Mr. Zhongli over the orchestra of people swimming around you.

"He didn't lie to me but I really get the feeling there's a lot I don't know,"


After Hu Tao and an escort of her employees carrying an assortment of flowers, coffins, shovels, and candles left, you were left alone with Mr. Zhongli. You took the opportunity to ask him about the fatui.

"I know they're not exactly good guys. But should I be worried?"

"It depends on what you mean by that," he looked at you through those golden eyes of his.

"Should I be worried that I'm being roped into something...something more sinister?" He put his finger on his chin and thought for a second, "It all happened so fast, I mean. One moment I was trying to look for ways to improve my fighting, and the next thing I know I'm working for number 11 of the Fatui Harbingers,"

"As someone with a vision they certainly can abuse your power. It's not something I could say, though,"

After a very long and drawn out conversation, you and Mr. Zhongli made an arrangement: You would help him with finding some lost items of his and he would help you in giving advice for how to deal with the Fatui.

"I'm glad this worked out for the both of us, but I have to ask. You did you come to me?"

You felt your cheeks turn pink, "Well it's just that I know that you know Childe and..." you were trying to find the answer to his question yourself, "I don't know,"

"I would say distrusting Childe would be misplaced," Mr. Zhongli leaned against the red wood that decorated the Harbor, "I don't think he will lie to you unless he has to- and he will eventually- but he seems to be avoiding anything out-right,"

You both stood in silence for a moment. There seemed to be a lot to think about, but not much to say.

"Me and him meet first thing tomorrow morning, so I guess we'll see what happens then,"

With that, you both disappeared into the Liyue crowd.

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