Chpt. 2

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"Uhhh..." You stammer, mouth agape, still looking up at him.

"Ahahaha," There was a warmth to his smile and laugh, but his eyes were mischievous. Like he knew something you didn't, something that made him dangerous.

His vision is what you were interested in, obviously, but you got the idea that being forward like you were with Xaingling might not get you the answer you needed.

"The bank," you gulped, "it closed at noon today,"

"Isn't asking strangers' business at the bank a little rude?" He still had the remnants of a smile still on his face.

"Oh...sorry...thats not what I meant. I was just..." you trailed off, feeling embarrassed, and looked away.

"Its alright," he said sitting down, letting his legs hang next to yours. "I haven't been in Liyue very long, but I don't think I've seen you anywhere,"

Not trusting him enough to give him your back, you turn to look at him again "Oh, yeah, I just don't spend a lot of time here in the city," you reach into your pocket instinctively to fidget with your vision but it wasn't there.

You inhale sharply, frantically checking your other pocket before you snap back in the blue eyed mans direction.

"I haven't seen too many people with a geo vision," he sung. With one hand he held your vision up while the other rested on his chin. "Why are you hiding something like this?"

You reached to snatch it back but he straightened his back and raised his arm to keep it away from you. "You didn't steal this did you? I'd have to take it away if thats the case,"

"With what authority?!" You snap, "Thats mine!" You couldn't believe someone would have the boldness to do such a thing and to make things worse, when you got on your knees to grab your pendant he only laughed at you again and grabbed your wrist.

"How about, we have a little duel," he smirked devilishly, "And I'll judge if you seem skilled enough for this to actually be yours, if not, then I'll have to confiscate it again,"

"Absolutely not," you tried to sound as authoritative as possible.

"Ouch! So harsh! But then I' ll have to keep it..." he shot up and you nearly knocked over your soup following him.

"Okay, fine!" You put your hand on his shoulder for balance and stood on your toes as he swung the gem, brushing the tips of your wiggling fingers. "But what makes you think I even stole it? I just keep it in my pocket, okay?"

"How about tomorrow right before dinner? If you impress me, I'll replace your soup,"

Your eyes widen and you stop fighting for your vision so you can look at the floor for your soup. You gasp and press yourself against the red railing realizing it must have fallen in front of the store beneath you.

He put his hand on your shoulder and leaned in next to you, "Don't be sad," he smelled like the air after pouring rain, "like I said, if this is really yours then you'll get your soup and vision back tomorrow," You turn and open your mouth to protest him not giving your vision back until tomorrow, but he cut you off.

"I have to make sure you don't flake out on me, girly!" He moved away from you and started in the direction of the stairs.

"The name's Childe by the way,"

"You're an asshole, Childe,"

... ... ... ... ... ...

Your old sword was again, long gone, but you were saving for a new one anyways. You thought about another weapon but getting experimental as of right now probably wan't the best idea so you would have to settle and spend you money on a sword.

As you walked along the opening businesses in Liyue, you couldn't help but wonder what Childe fought with. What did he fight like? If he relied solely on his water abilities you were definitely done for. What if he could swing a claymore like a piñata stick? You didn't want to be a piñata.

Your stomach twisted at the thought of him being a skilled fighter. As a average person with a vision and some technique, you had a chance to put up a fight...but you had no idea who he was! He didn't look like he lived in Liyue and he did mention not being here for long. If he was a traveler or part of the adventures guild he was probably trained...You shook your head.

Finally at the blacksmiths tent, you try to distract yourself with all the blades.

Unfortunately, they only made you worry more. As the sword descriptions described their durability and what theyre best used for, you couldn't help but wonder the unknown.

You'd never seen someone with hydro vision fight, or use it at all for that matter. Everything about him was so unknown...

Of course, that was because you met last night and only for a matter of minutes. Agreeing to a fight was a shitty idea, but what choice did you have? You needed your vision back.

As if perfect timing a yellow and blade caught your eye. It was chucky and so not your style, but it was the reason why you had a pile of money saving for a sword afterall.

You thought back to the twelve year old with a broken arm determined to buy a sword...

"A sword is important to an adventure. They run into slimes and all sorts of monsters."

"You'll never be able to pay for that..."

"I'll find a way, we can't travel the seven nations without one! I need to prepare for when I get my should too [Y/N],"

You sighed and put your fingers around the handle. "I'll come back for day,"

You let the sword go, wanting to move on, and picked up the sword next to it. The one with a much nicer price tag. It was a long sword with an elegant guard and a blade that got smaller as it went on. It also wasn't too heavy and you liked the way it felt in your hand so you turned to pay.

"Pfffft," you whip around to a familiar ginger leaning on one of the shelves. "Now this is just rich! Ahahahaha, you don't even have a sword? No, no, you totally stole that vision,"

You felt your cheeks turn red, "Just because I have a vision doesn't mean I fight,"

He picks up the chunky yellow sword and calls the blacksmith, "We'll take these two,"

And you turn even more red wondering how long he'd been watching.

{ Writers note: okay! OKAY! I knoooow this looks like a set up for a Chilexreader fanfic but it isn't! Zhongli is coming i promise! ~( ˘▾˘~) }

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