Chpt. 4

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{ Sorry for the really really late upload my AC has been out for like 3 weeks and its been in the high 90s the whole time so ive just been melting and not really in the mood for writing (´;︵;') thank you guys for tuning in again tho <3 i love all 10 of you(人´∀'*)}

"Childe! Childe!" After nearly cutting your neck open with his sword, Childe had fallen right on top of you.

He may have looked skinny, but you had to make several attempts to get him off of you before he rolled on his back.

You slapped his face softly in hopes of rousing him but your only response was some slurred talking about ice fishing and someone named Teucer along with some giggles.

You sighed heavily to yourself and ran your fingers through your hair.

Perfect. Absolutely perfect.

The Wangshu Inn was close, but it would still be a hike. Especially if you had to carry him.

You turned from the distant hotel back to cliff. How despicably perfect did that chunk of ground have to fall and bounce off of the tilted landscape to hit him right in the face.

You turned to your problem at hand and choked at the sight. Not only was the bruising was setting in, but thick red liquid was leading out of his left ear.


You grabbed his face and tried wiping the liquid as if that would stop it. Your breath caught in your throat as you realized that seriousness of the situation. You were no doctor but, beeding from the ears probably didn't happen with minor concussions.

As the blood only seemed to smear everywhere in your attempt to clean him, you wondered what would happen of you.

If he lived would he blame you? If he didn't, what would the rest of the Fatui do with you? They probably wouldn't care if it was an accident.

Archons, this stuff was getting everywhere!

You hoped he was some lower rank but judging by his clothes and strength, you doubted it.

You swallowed realizing you should probably prioritize getting him help rather than wiping the blood streaking down his neck.

"Childe~?" You practically broke your neck turning your head to the high pitched call.

A group of two boys and a flying...girl..? Were making their way down the hill towards you.

Your turned body must've revealed the blood covering your hands because one of the boys began to run.

"What happened!?! Who are you!?!" The small flying girl was now in your face demanding answers.

"I...he...I-I..." you stuttered, "D-do you know him?" You suddenly felt guilty. If these people knew him and you were responsible for such an injury...

"Yes," the boy with a long blond braid responded "we do,"

You swallowed, "he challenged me to a bat-"

"We saw that much," You whipped around to see the other boy, with dark green hair, standing crossed armed.

"He almost had me but a rock fell and hit him...and...I didn't mean to I swear!"

"Sounds just like him," the blond sighed. In unison both him and the flying girl turned to the other boy.

"Xiao," the girl said, a hint of nervousness in her voice, "can't you do something?"

You glanced at Childe as the blond kneeled beside him. Although you had just met, you could still tell how deflated he was in comparison to his normal and cocky upbeat self.

The green haired boy uncrossed his arms, "I am not a doctor,"

"Maybe we can find someone at the Inn," the other boy offered,

"Hmm...I suppose since it is you who asked,"

Before you could ask or say anything you felt a gust of wind before the hot outside became the shaded inside of the Wangshu Inn.

"I'll take him to your room for now," the one the girl called Xiao said

"Hurry let's go find someone!" The girl was floating down the hall before she could even finish and the other boy followed.

"Wait-" you said weekly turning between Xiao who was now picking Childe up and the two others who were almost gone. You knew you should Childe to make sure that he would be okay, but you didn't want to sit around while some strangers did more for his injuries than you who was also responsible for that.

You settled on helping Xiao but before your offer to help him lift the sleeping ginger was cut off by a sharp huff. Childes long arms hung over Xiaos shoulders as he laid draped over his back.

"You can go," even Xiaos reassurance came out in a harsh tone, "I won't do anything to him if you're worried about that,"

You nodded and you both turned in opposite directions as you set out to find the other two.

... ... ... ... ... ...

"-And more careful next time!" The head maid, who was apparently also in charge of medical emergencies, was scolding you on her way out of the room. With a sigh she finally left after her long, long lecture.

You turned to the blonde boy who was sitting at a chair beside Childe and you collapsed in the one next to him.

"Im Aether and this is Paimon, by the way. We're friends of Childe,"

You smiled weakly at him, "Thanks for giving him your room and helping us out,"

"Oh it's okay!" Paimon sung, "Childes always going on about how he loves testing his skills. This isn't the first time we've had to drag him from a duel! Like that one time with those geovoshaps..." The girl and Aether shared a small chuckle and together they explained all of their misadventures with the fatui boy.

Amy worry you had about him being upset or getting un trouble with the fatui was quickly washed away from hearing about how quick he was to dive head first into any chance he got to test his skills.

Just as the two finished with their stories the boy practically jumped from his chair. "We promised the hotel owner we would clear out some hillychurl camps!" He said with one foot already out of the room. "And we also have to stop by the adventures guild..." the girl followed.

"Ah well I should probably go too since it's getting dark,"

You briefly said your goodbyes and somehow got talked into promising to buy Paimon dinner the next time you saw them, before they left in their hurry.

You opened the door to leave after replacing the towel on Childes forehead but for some reason you turned around to look at him. His blue eyes practically glowed in the sunlight that was stretching through the windows as the sun went down.

Surprised that he was awake and suddenly feeling guilty for leaving, you opened your mouth to say something, but his eyelids weighed shut as he fell back asleep.

The misadventures of having a vision Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu