Chapter 33: The Attack

Start from the beginning

"It really is," you agreed and then you looked over her shoulder and saw Harry walking over. "I think Harry wants to talk to you so I'll leave you to it. Merry Christmas, Cho," you squeezed her shoulder and she smiled kindly, "Merry Christmas, Y/N."

As you walked across the large room you noted that the twins were packing up their things and about to intercept Harry, but then you spotted Ginny lingering by the door, her eyes following Harry as he walked in Cho's direction.

"Thanks for everything, Harry," you said as you walked past him, knowing you'd see him shortly anyway since you were both spending Christmas with the Weasleys, he smiled at you but his attention was clearly on Cho.

Instead of waiting for the twins who you could hear talking to Harry behind you, you walked straight over to Ginny who looked lost, "alright, Ginny?" she nodded but didn't say anything so you linked your arm through hers and led her from the room.

"The bloke completely snubbed us!" Fred said a minute later as he lugged his tattered briefcase along with him and caught up with you. George was close behind with his box of Skiving Snackboxes tucked under his arm, "yeah, just so he could have a snog with Cho Chang!"

Ginny's face fell and you glared at the twins and motioned with your head towards Ginny, they shared a look and George cleared his throat, "I mean, they're probably not snogging, she's probably just complimenting"

You elbowed him irritably while Fred pulled the collar of his jumper over his face to hide his hysterical laughter. "Boys," you sighed and you nudged Ginny, she smiled sadly up at you but then perked up slightly, "I really can't wait for Christmas"


That night you sat with the twins in their dorm. Lee had already gone home for Christmas and so had Angelina and Alicia, so the twins invited you to stay with them since no one would notice. You were going to sleep in Lee's bed but Fred wouldn't hear of it so you sat under the covers with him while George chatted with you both from his bed. You had all packed up your trunks already, and you were getting on the train early in the morning. You were meeting Mr Weasley at King's Cross and going straight to Grimmauld Place from there, and while you were excited, you were disappointed to not be going to the Burrow once again.

"No offence to the House-Elves here, but I can't wait to have Mum's cooking again," George said as he stretched back on his bed.

"Agreed, I think Charlie might be coming home this year as well, but not until Christmas Eve," Fred said as you snuggled against his chest and he slung an arm over your waist.

"I wonder what your brothers would've done if they were here now, with Umbridge," you thought aloud and Fred chuckled, "Bill would've definitely established the D.A. himself, and tried to train everyone in the school right under her nose."

"Charlie would've set a Firecrab loose in her office, no doubt about it," George said and he chuckled at the image.

"Percy would've dedicated a class period especially to shining her shoes, maybe licking them too. And then he'd thank her for it," Fred said and the three of you burst out laughing.

"Do you think Percy will join your family for Christmas?" you asked quietly and the twins were silent for a moment and Fred sighed loudly, "no, unless something drastically changes his mind between now and Christmas Eve which is, what, four days away? I don't think we'll be seeing him for Christmas."

"I don't think we'll be seeing him ever," George scowled, "Mum would welcome him back with open arms, of course, but the rest of us won't be won over easily. Especially Dad. Y/N, if you'd seen Dad's face as Percy essentially said we were dead to him, you would never forget it. I'm just glad the tosser Apparated out of the house right then and there, otherwise me and Freddie would've jumped him."

Yours, Fred | f. weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now