"Miss Tenshi." I snorted quietly. Yukio had never called me that before in his life, it just seemed wrong.

"I'm sorry is there a problem?" he finally addressed Rins tantrum at the front of the class.

"What do you mean is there a problem? Yeah, there's a problem!" Rin freaked. "What's your problem?"

I got that he was surprised but he was acting like an idiot in front of the class, he could've at least waited till we got home.

Then again, I wasn't the one just finding out my little brother was going to be my teacher.

"Although I'm the same age as most of you, I'd appreciate if you called me teacher when class is in session." Yukio continued with a polite smile, not even giving Rin a second thought. "I've been studying exorcism since I was seven, and I finished the last of my courses two years ago."

In front of me I could hear Rin talking to himself but I couldn't bring myself to try to hear him. This is what I had been avoiding, Rin finding out the truth that we had been keeping this from him for all these years. 

I knew we'd have to come clean I just couldn't bring myself to do it before. The guilt clawed at me that this was how Rin was finding out.

I should've told him before.

"Alright then," Yukio continued, breaking me out to my thoughts about what a horrible sister I was. "Let's get started. Is there anyone in class who has not yet received a Temptaint?."

A few people around class raised their hands. Rooster boy, the guy in the hoodie behind me and the brown haired girl next to eyebrows.

"Okay, three. Well in that case, we'll start with the Temptaint Ritual." he informed the class.

I could see Rin and Mephisto in his dog form were talking amongst themselves in front of me but since I'd moved back a table I could no longer hear them.

Okay, maybe moving wasn't as good an idea as Yukio seemed to think it was.

Yukio began to explain to the class how the Temptaint Ritual would be performed so I decided to tune out. It wasn't anything I didn't know about already.

Rin didn't need a temptaint because he was a demon and Yukio had been given his by Rin when they were born.

I just didn't need one. My angel blood meant that I had no problem seeing demons since I was made to fight them.

Full angels, like my real father, were made by God to serve him. They ruled in heaven and protected humans, but they thought they were above dealing with demons, and so people like me were born. Half angel, half human but with all the power, we were made to fight demons and follow orders. It was my destiny.

After the death of my mother I had taken nothing to do with my supposed destiny, avoiding anything to do with angels for a long time.

It was Nagatoma who had convinced me to learn to fight and Papa who taught me to embrace my angel side. He taught me everything he knew about angels and helped me master my sword.

The only thing he couldn't help with was my angel powers, not that I had any of those yet. Angels like me generally didn't start exhibiting our gifts until we were much older, around twenty-three, though some don't start showing any until much later.

I had no idea when I'd begin to develop my powers but I'd be at a huge disadvantage when I did. Every other angel like me had their angel parent to guide them through the experience, which was supposed to be extremely painful and difficult, and I didn't.

I'd have to figure it out by myself now, which meant I ran a higher risk of getting lost in the power, something that happened very rarely but was extremely dangerous.

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