024. omiya's motorshop

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SHE DID NOT THINK THIS THROUGH. Cola clearly did not think this whole plan through - a fact that she only realized when she successfully snuck out of Tannyhill and is now walking through the roads in the cold night, JJ's towel the only thing keeping her warm. Her house was miles away - and if she did walk the whole thing, she'd probably arrive at six in the morning. She could get her bike at the mechanics, but that was a thirteen mile walk.

So, yes. She did not think this whole thing through.

Cola grumbled, tugging her towel closer to her body. She had stopped dripping minutes ago, but her hair was still wet and her body was still damp, and the North Carolina wind wasn't helping her at all.

But she chose this. And she forgot her phone in the boat so she really didn't have any choice.

It went on for a few more minutes - Cola walking through the cold air as she gripped her towel tighter as if it would give her some sort of protection from the cool wind. At one point, Cola was pretty sure that she'd rather knock on a random person's house and beg for a ride home - and she was about to go through with the plan until the sound of a car honking from behind her suddenly grabs her attention.

She stares at the black B&W - great. She was feeling extremely cold and now someone was trying to kill her.

As the car drives slowly as it approaches the girl, Cola begins to pick up her face, suddenly very thankful that she was quite athletic compared to the rest of her peers her age. When the car was right beside her and the girl was ready to bolt, a window rolled down, along with the sound of a familiar voice.

She could practically hear the smirk in Kelce's tone. "Need a ride?"

Cola looked at Kelce - who was wearing shades whilst being night. As if he couldn't be more Kookier than that. "No."

"Well, you're visibly freezing." The Kook called out, continuing to drive at a pace that matched hers. "Look, I'm serious Cola. I'm on my way to the Cut anyway. Might as well help you get there."

"Yeah, right." Cola laughed humorlessly, continuing to walk down the road. She wasn't stupid - sure, she was freezing, but she wasn't going into a car with one of Rafe Cameron's best friends. Cola would rather freeze and walk nineteen more miles.

"You're shaking."

"I'm fine, Kelce."

The boy huffed, watching as Cola continued to walk down the road, not bothering to meet his eyes. Cola was visibly shaking and that towel wasn't doing her any good - so why the hell was she being so stubborn?

"Dude, at least get someone to fetch you - where's Maybank?"

"Are you really this chatty, Kelce?" The girl remarked, still not sparing the boy a single glance as she persevered - all she wished for was for the boy to leave her alone and let her freeze in peace.


Cola groaned, "Are you going to leave me alone now?"

"Not until you let me drive you to the Cut."

With an annoyed huff leaving her lips, Cola glances at the seventeen year old boy who was shooting her a look that seemed like a crossover between genuine concern and cheekiness. Kelce was actually pretty okay compared to his friends - but the correlation was still there.

But it was either that or have Kelce bug her four hours. Very reluctantly, Cola opened the door and situated herself in the seat beside his - checking the backseat in case a Rafe Cameron pops up in there. Luckily, there was nothing except for a bunch of boat gears.

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