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Brendan's pov:

There in front of me stood the Ella, the girl I had been dating for the past two years. Her long wavy brunette hair, mid-length pink floral dress, brown flat shoes, and her tongue down some random guy's throat.

I froze in shock of what stood in front of me. How could she do this to me, did I really mean that little to her? She jumped back, surprised by my presence in the room.

"It's not what it looks like....I...I.." She stutters trying to find an excuse for her actions.

"Don't mind me I was just leaving, make sure you enjoy yourself" I snap, turning away to leave the room.

"But Bren, Wait" Ella calls after me.

"Just forget it we're over!" I shout, not wanting to hear her defend the situation.

I push through the crowds of already drunk people at the party Ella and I were invited to, to celebrate her brother's twenty-fifth birthday. I just need to get as far away from here as possible, as far away from Ella as possible

I look around the room trying to find a door somewhere to get out of here. There further I go the more people I'm surrounded by. The room seemed to be getting smaller and smaller and smaller. Where the hell is the door? I push thru the maze of people that seems to be multiplying every second. Why did Ella do that? Was I not enough for her? Why am I never enough for anybody? Did I not treat her well enough? Did I not give her enough space? What the hell am I going to do now? Everybody is going to think I'm pathetic. What the hell am I doing? WHY THE HELL ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE HERE? My chest feels tight; like there's not enough air in here. I need to get out of here. I need to get out. The only thing louder then the thumping music is my thoughts screaming in my head. Everyone around me seemed to have faded into a confusing blur.

Everything feels light like I'm not fully here I'm just a heartbeat that's getting faster and faster.

I stumble out of a doorway at the back of the house and I'm greeted by the harsh cold night and begin gasping for air. I take a few steps before letting my back hit the wall and allowing my body slide down until my butt hit the ground. I held my head in my hands trying to regain a normal breathing pattern. I wipe away the few stray teardrops that dampened my cheek. My mind tries desperately to replay what just happened but all I can focus on is the overwhelming feeling in my gut of pure terror.

Suddenly another body slides down the wall beside me. I look up for my hands to see a strange girl sat next to me. She had unusual turquoise hair. Her fishnet tights were ripped at the knees and threads hung from her black shorts. Her shirt advertised a band I have never heard of, along with the unrecognisable band logos on pins that clipped to her denim jacket. For a moment, I was captivated by her presence. Besides her grungy look there was something mesmerising about her.


Hi guys, So here's the first part of my new Brendan Murray Fanfic. Don't be afraid to comment or vote :) 

Strange Love (Brendan Murray)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon