chapter 7: Chaos

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I was cleaning the dishes that we used for breakfast, I just finished cleaning and drying the last bit of cutlery. It's been nearly three weeks since I started this job and there have been some tough times and not so tough times, but like right now, it would have to be in between. When I turned around, Brahms was nowhere to be seen from where I put him down. "Brahms! Where are you?" I heard some giggles and I kind of figured what he was intent on doing, I hold the bridge of my nose but still show a smile, "You're being very playful today, I guess we'll have to read later, and play hide and seek now."

I started walking towards where the giggles came from in the house, which was the living room, and started looking around. I saw a flicker of something in the corner of my eye, so I looked over to see the doll sitting behind the side of the couch, "There you are, I found you! Do you want to go hide again?" I heard a slightly excited voice saying yes, "Okay, I'll close my eyes so I'm not looking were you going."

Once I covered my eyes, I heard some shuffling and giggles going off in the distance suggesting that he went to go hide again. 'I know it's probably the person moving the doll from place to place but it's just fun to play.'

After a bit more waiting, I signalled that I was uncovering my eyes now so I could start looking. I heard some rushed shuffles before they came to a stop, so I uncovered them and started looking into every room; from Brahms' room, my room, the bathroom, before finally coming to the study where I could see the top of Brahms' head peeking out from the side of the bookcase. I smile and decide to sneak up to the doll as if it were an actual child.

"Found you! It took me longer this time, you're getting better at this Brahms." I heard another giggle, taking a few steps back and covering my eyes so the fun could start again.

*Time skips to Lunch*

"You sure are great at hide and seek Brahms, that was incredibly fun to play," we had just finished playing and were walking to the kitchen to make lunch, "Now, what do you want for lunch, just a simple sandwich or some leftovers from last night?"

The person seemed to be debating what to have before finally answering in the usual voice, "Could I have a bit of both, please?" I smiled and nodded as we got to the kitchen. I put Brahms down in his chair and went over to start lunch. When it was done, I placed his plate in front of him and walked off with my plate into the other room.

When I knew he was done, I walked back into the kitchen and picked up his plate. I heard a little thank you from the person as I started the tap, "No worries, Brahms, I'm simply happy you're enjoying what I make." I went on to clean the dishes, after which I picked up Brahms and walked toward the study to have our music session.

*Time skips to near dinner*

I was on my way to the kitchen once more to make dinner, I had just finished another drawing with Brahms, and it turned out excellent. Out of nowhere, I heard a noise from the pool room which was odd since the only time anything came from the pool room was when Malcolm was here to hang out. 'Who could that be? I doubt it would be Malcolm since he would not come in without being invited.'

I looked at Brahms before walking over to the pool room with caution, I opened the door to find Cooper playing pool. "Cooper, why are you here?" I moved the doll's face into my neck to prevent him from seeing him. "A very Generous friend of mine gave me your whereabouts. I was going to write you a letter, but you know me. Never been one for writing," he glanced at Brahms in my hand, "This the little fellow? What's his name?"

I took a shaky breath before answering, "Brahms." I tightened my grip on him so Cooper couldn't have the chance to have a look at him, but to my luck he saw that Brahms was a doll.

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