Warnings and authors note! (important)

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Hey everyone! Before you continue reading, please note that this story will contain..

romance, ab-se (not physical), and ch3ating.

I'll censor words in this book that I know that are triggering. If there's a word I don't censor that I should've censored, pls let me know :)

Also, keep in mind that this is my first ever book, and I've never written anything like this, so if it's bad, or cringey at some parts, I'm so s0rry 😅 criticism is welcomed!

Don't h-te me for shipping Drew x Zoey btw, it's my opinion and I'm not forcing you to agree or ship it. Pl3ase don't cause drama in the comments, I will be making stories about other ships, so if you like my writing but don't ship droey, leave suggestions for other books!

Apart from that, let's get onto the story! :D

Chapter made on 16th of November 2021
(152 words)

An Escape // A droey fanfiction // The Music FreaksWhere stories live. Discover now