chapter 1

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under taker's pov

I grabbed my umbrella and walked outside opening it up 'it's raining pretty hard' I thought I made my way to the church for another funeral.

Time skip

I was heading home when I saw something or someone on the ground, I walked over to it 'it's a boy'. I see him laying down on his back, eyes open looking at the sky.

I put my umbrella over him, he looks up at me, it feels like he's staring into my soul, his eyes look so dead and he looks beat up.

"Your going to catch a cold" he shrugged "well do you a place to stay at" he shakes his head no

"You can stay at my place for awhile" he shurgs and stands up his neon green hair

"You can stay at my place for awhile" he shurgs and stands up his neon green hair

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Has a tent of red and soaked along with his clothes.

I walked back to the shop with him next to me I walk in with him following me he's wearing a beanie a black T-shirt some gray sweatpants and bandages around his forehead and some on his arms some of bandages are soaked in his blood

"Go take a shower I'll get you some clothes"I walk up to the guest bed room I got black and white PJ's and new bandages and put them on the bathroom sink counter and left him.

A hour later I went to tell him that food was ready I knocked and went in and he was sitting on the window seat looking out the window "foods done come down"I walked down to the kitchen table, him following me I sat down so did he, "... t-thank you"

I nodded that was the first time I heard him talk it sounds so sweet and innocent. I started eating he did too I put my plate in the sink and he washed the dishes he went back to the guest room I went to sleep in my own room.

    one stormy day ||Completed||Where stories live. Discover now