𝚂𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘 𝚘𝚗𝚎🥡

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After drinking 7-8 alcohol🍶
Part 2

Hua Cheng:
No one knows how he got drunk because no one saw him get even a single shot glass containing alcohol but rants about and mourns over the sufferings of Xie Lian.

Xie Lian:
Whips mails out and starts sending letters to every person that his brain contain and inviting them without even saying anything about the place or event.

Jun Wu:
Starts slacking off and still persistent to command people even though there's no one in front of him, hallucinating and sobs quietly about his past.

Mu Qing:
Gets into a freaking drinking contest with his subordinate because he is martial god, wins after the junior passes out and then sleeps right then and there.

Feng Xin:
Has his head buried in his arms and they think he's just asleep, but then he suddenly starts sobbing and the sobbing grows louder. Soon enough, he's literally ranting on his mortal days when no one understood him.

Nan Feng:
Argues with Fu Yao and ranges when he doesn't recieve a word from him unknowingly he already passed out, manly cries of the thought Fu Yao is already dead.

Fu Yao:
No one knows how he got involved in a drinking contest with his senior, but all knowing is that he isn't friends with alcohol. Not at all. Additionally, rolls his eyes every minute.

Pei Ming:
Flirts with everyone, yes even male. Gets flashed whenever he thinks of Yushi Huang saving him and delusional to the point he thinks Mu Qing is a woman.

Pei Xiu:
Drinks the most volume of alcohol out of all other people but turns out to be the last one standing sane at the end of the day, though he isn't completely sober. Just mildly, as in mildly, drunk.

Lang Qianqiu:
He sniff the alcohol, starts feeling funny and weird, collapses, hugs the floor and passes out finally because he's "too young" for this. Or at least... he acts much too young.

Shi Qingxuan:
Is used to fine wines but never to alcohol because it probably contains more alcohol than wines. Drunk, has his fan taken away by He Xuan and passes out.

Shi Wudu:
Playing Handpush Sumo with the sliding door and getting frustrated over the fact it isn't going down just yet.

He Xuan:
Emotional eater, eats whatever food is serve to him, rumbles about how much he loath Shi Qingxuan though silently cries at the end and unthinkingly getting his fan.

Bai Wuxiang:
Challenges and curse everyone who even thinks they are greater than him, gets bumped every minute and nags drunk Xie Lian about becoming his successor.

Qi Rong:
Crawling around the room, under the table and knocks a bottle of beer over. He curse to a wall in a random succession but isn't sane enough to return it to where it belonged to.

Tian Sheng:
Uncontrollably laughing and questions every person that appears in front of his eyesight, gets excited whenever he sees Xie Lian.

Mei Nianqing:
Starts crying over the fainted people because his drunk self assumed that those children lying on the floor are already dead.

Quan Yizhen:
Is with Yin Yu all the time though more drunk than him, unusual skinship with his former senior. Passes out after an hour of complaining.

Yin Yu:
Still very quiet, just sits on the corner and watches everyone ruin the room and damage every form of property available. Eventually passes out so suddenly after Quan Yizhen.

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