Chapter 1: A Hero Rises

Start from the beginning

    Wait! The wheels still had decent contact with the ground, meaning with enough force, the car could drive right out!
    Y/n went back to the window and explained his plan. "Sir, if you could get the car into gear and drive forward gently, it's very likely you could slip right through the rubble and open the back door!"
    The man looked solemn. "I'm sorry, we've already tried that, but this baby won't start." Well that certainly put a rock in his plans. Y/n suddenly had another idea, but he didn't know if he could do it.
    Y/n looked at the exposed front bumper of the car. It looked I damaged, save for a couple dents and scratches. It could work, but Y/n didn't know if he had that kind of power. But he couldn't doubt himself now.
    "I have an idea, but it's going to require a lot of effort.." Y/n said. The man was surprised, and followed Y/n's gave to the front of the car, then looked back at Y/n to see him clenching his fists in preparation.
    "Kid, are you sure about this? That's gonna take a lot of strength..." The man said concerned. The woman had paused her crying into her husband's shoulder, and was also now looking at Y/n with some worry. Y/n simply nodded at them with a look of determination and approached the front of the car.
    "Mama, Daddy, what's that mister doing?" A young girl in the back asked. "Sweetie, that brave young man is gonna help us out of here." The woman said softly.
    "Woah, is he a superhero?!" The older boy asked from next to his sister. The woman giggled.

"He sure is..."

    Y/n heard their small conversation, but didn't have time to think about it now. He needed to help these people get free. He grabbed the bottom of the bumper, and immediately started to pull with all his strength. The car made a creaking sound, but didn't budge. Y/n didn't give up however, and kept pulling.
    The family watched in awe as this teenager who's name they didn't even know, was trying so hard to save their lives. However, he seemed to completely disregard his own well-being to do so.
    Y/n stopped pulling and took a moment to catch his breath. He kneeled down with his hands on his knees panting. He was already exhausted, but he had barely moved the car an inch.
    Y/n looked behind him back at the battle taking place. The hero and monster seemed to be in a stalemate, neither one landing hits on the other. Even worse, however, is that the hero seemed to be growing more tired by the second, but the monster showed no signs of any fatigue.
    Y/n wanted to help the hero, but he needed to focus on the task in front of him. He turned back around towards the vehicle, and grabbed the bumper again.
    This time he planted his feet against the ground, and took a deep breath before once again pulling with all his might. He felt the car very slowly start to roll, and gained a small bit of hope.
    However, he had to let go again because of exhaustion. His head was pounding, he was drenched with sweat, and his arms ached and screamed for him to stop. But he couldn't stop. Not while this family was still in trouble.
    The man and woman took notice of
Y/n's exhaustion, and grew worried.
    "Kid, it's not gonna work... Look, you should probably get out of here. That monster is gonna get away and make its way here soon, so just go get to safety. If we don't make it, then that's fine. You still tried, and we're already eternally grateful..."

    "No..." Y/n said quietly. "Sir, you're already tired and about to pass out. If you do, then you'll be killed by that thing..." the woman said worriedly. Y/n looked at them with determination.
    "And if I don't keep trying, then so will you. I won't let that happen. You all have done nothing wrong, and you still have those kids to take care of. I don't care what happens to me, but as long as their is still breath in my lungs, and life in my body, I will do whatever it takes to save you, and everyone that needs help, that's a promise!" He said with fiery drive.
    The entire family was astonished. This kid didn't even know them, they didn't even know each other's names, and yet he was ready to sacrifice everything just to save them.
    With a renewed fire in his eyes, Y/n grabbed the bumper and once again pulled with all the strength he could muster. His body screamed in pain and exhaustion, his lungs felt like they were about to burst, his heart felt like it would beat right out of his chest, but he kept going.
    As long as their are people in trouble who need help, he couldn't give up. He didn't care if he didn't have any special powers or quirks, he would do whatever it took to be a hero who could save everyone, no matter the cost.
    He pulled and pulled, and the car eventually started rolling. He felt like he was about to pass out, but he didn't let that happen. He pulled harder, to the point it felt like the bumper would pop right off the car.
    'Need... more... strength!!!' He pulled even harder, as hard as he could, to the point he thought his arms would rip right off his shoulders. The car slowly rolled out of its rocky prison, and eventually out into the open.
    Y/n let go and collapses to the ground. He did it. They were free. He saved them.
    He felt like going to sleep right then and there, but he shook it off best he could and stood up. He heard the back door of the car open, and the children practically tumble out.
    All three of them rushed to Y/n and started hugging his legs and arms, thanking him over and over for saving their life. All he could do was chuckle, for he was too tired to properly speak at the moment.
    The man and woman managed to crawl to the back and out the door. They then joined their offspring on thanking him over and over. Y/n looked up and smiled at them, and raised his hands to give them a thumbs up.
    The woman shot forward and held him in a tight hug. "Thank you so much, I can't tell you how thankful we are. We don't even know your name, and yet you were willing to sacrifice yourself to save us..."
    Y/n simply put his arms on her back in a feeble attempt to return the hug. "Y/n..." He spoke softly.
    "What?" She asked. "My name, it's Y/n, Y/n L/n." He said, looking up at her with a tired smile.
    She smiled back, as did the man and the kids. "Thank you, Y/n..." she said.
    She let go of Y/n, who stumbled a bit, but caught himself. He found the strength to stand up straight and look at the couple at eye level.
    "There's an evacuation center east of here. Almost everyone's already gone there, you should make your way there."
    "But what about you, kid?" The man asked. "There are still people out here that need help, and I won't rest until they're all safe." Y/n replied.
    The man was hesitant, but after seeing this kid's determination to help, he nodded in acceptance. Y/n felt a tug on his pant leg and looked down to see a little girl, about 2-3 years old, looking up at him with starry eyes.
    "Thank you Mister Hero!" She said with a bright smile. Y/n was speechless for a second. He still didn't expect that people would actually call him a hero. He didn't think he was a hero, just someone who wanted to help.
    Still, he crouched down and pat her head, making her coo softly. 'Adorable',
Y/n thought to himself. "What's your name?" He asked her. "I'm Emma!" She said happily. "Well, Emma, your family is going to a big castle where you'll be safe."
    She seemed to brighten even more. "You mean we won't be hurt by the big meanie monster?" She asked. Y/n chuckled. "Yes, you'll be safe from the big meanie monster."
    After that, the family said goodbye to
Y/n thanking him even more, and headed off to the evacuation center.
    Y/n made his way around the area, making sure to avoid the devastating fight still going on. He found some people stuck in rubble, trapped under buildings, or just lost and looking for a safe place to hide. Of course, they all thanked him greatly, and one one person even asked what his hero rank was, which Y/n responded that he wasn't registered as a hero, and just wanted to help.
    Y/n made one final patrol, concluding that the place was clear and everyone was safe. It was dark out now, and Y/n was extremely tired.
    Suddenly the building right across from Y/n exploded as the giant monster came crashing through, with the hero not far behind it. The hero landed some distance away from the monster, panting and sweating heavily.
    Y/n took notice of the hero's exhaustion. The monster however, wasn't in the best condition either. It's armor was riddled with cracks and it was visibly favoring it's right hind leg.
    The hero proceeded to lunge at the beast and pummel it's head with punches that produced massive shockwaves that shook the earth. However, the monster then whipped around and grabbed the hero's leg in its mouth, and proceeded to thrash him around violently before letting go and launching him into a building.
    The hero slowly climbed out with a bleeding gash on his forehead. He leaped out and landed on the monster's back. The beast let out a roar and fired another red beam, causing destruction on a massive scale. The beast spun around and incinerated the entire area with its beam.
    Y/n ducked behind on of the now collapsed buildings. This thing was deadly, how the hell has that hero lasted so long!?
He peeked out from the corner to see the hero on one knee, and the monster slowly approaching him.
    Y/n realized what was about to happen. The hero looked too tired to even stand, and the monster was approaching quickly.
    The hero looked up at the monster, before putting his head back down with a solemn look and tears dripping from his eyes.
    'He's given up...' Y/n thought. He was suddenly filled with anger. "If he's given up, then he's no hero! A hero doesn't give up just because they're tired! A hero doesn't give up just because they've been beat down! No! A real hero would stand right back up, and fight to their very last breath! A true hero would keep fighting, for the sake of everyone and everything they love! A hero isn't someone who fights monsters for fame or glory, or even thrill! A hero is someone who protects and saves everyone, even if it costs them their life!!!" He said, not realizing he had spoken his thoughts out loud.
    The hero looked up at Y/n with an astonished face, but at the same time, the monster raised its blades tail, poised to swing it down on the hero and decapitate them.
    Y/n saw this and with a raging flame of determination, ran forward into the battle, towards the danger. He wasn't thinking, his body just seemed to move on it's own accord.
    Just as the monster swing it's tail down with the intent of ending the heroes life,
Y/n jumped forward and tackled the hero out of the way just in time.
    Unfortunately, while the hero was unharmed, Y/n wasn't so lucky. The very edge of the blade had struck him, leaving a massive slash across his chest, all the way from his right shoulder to his left hip.
    Y/n put a hand over the wound and screamed in pain. It was unbearable. It felt as if he had been lit on fire.
    His entire body was filled with searing pain, and his body couldn't move. Suddenly, he felt weak. Everything went numb, and he fell to the ground. His vision was blurry, and the world around him was growing darker.
    He could just barely make out the hero getting to their feet and standing in front of him. He smiled, content with himself that he managed to save one more life.
    Then, everything went black, and he felt himself drift away from reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2022 ⏰

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