My Magical girl script Pt 1

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I guess I would let fate decide My MG appearance,Cure name and Most of my attacks as well as my familiar but well here are some of the stuff that I want in my MG form. Bear In Mind some of this is inspired from another wattpad user.

- So like I like have to be able to read minds,teleport and Open portals. I can also like Shapeshift and Manifest anything in a second. After every battle, I can wipe the memory of the fight for all humans. All damage to property is healed and no one remembers anything about the fight.

- Like I can dodge easily and my athletic skills and my physical strength is enhanced. I also have enhanced martial art skills and I can also sense impending danger. My senses are enhanced and I can move quickly and quietly. My vision also gets better and I can see very clearly without glasses ( The selfie of me on discord was me without glasses)

- I am powerful and I can inflict a lot of damage on my enemies and I can  protect my friends with ease. I also can hold off enemies for a very long time and I can travel to different realities and dimensions.I also get smarter in my mg form and I think more easily and I become more confident. 

- I can easily hide my magical girl form as In my magical girl form, I have makeup in my magical girl form ( Like douyin/Chinese princess style makeup cause I'm Chinese in irl) And my hair also becomes longer and gets into a different style and color ( As long as it matches me in it) And my skin color becomes paler ( So no one will suspect its me). 

- I won't  have a familiar because why not?

-  My magical girl form is very cute and pretty but practical and allows me to move. My magical transformation device is also easily concealed and It's immune to it getting stolen or lost. It's a compact similar to those in precure Except its more easily concealed. It can never get lost like I said in the last sentence!

There would be more coming soon!

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