Chapter 1

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"Owie! Why'd you do that, Marmar?" Said Ochaco Uraraka, age 6. She had just been pushed to the ground by Marla Cho. The kindergarten bully. "I told you not to call me that!" She said as she fluttered her wings. "Anyways, I did it because you're a poopyhead copycat who copied my quirk!"

Uraraka stared at her in disbelief. She hadn't copied her quirk, their quirks were just similar. Uraraka had the ability to make things float, while Marla was a moth.

Basically her quirk gave her the ability to fly, but not for too long, or else she'd faint. She also was able to see in every direction, but she wears special glasses so that she can focus her vision. She had bluish gray skin with curly Magenta hair and the same color eyes.

Uraraka got up. "I didn't copy you! How would I even do that?" Marla was about to say something to counter; but she stopped to think. After half a minute, she shook her head. "S-Still! You're an ugly poopyhead who throws up when you use your quirk!"

A few other students who were on the playground were listening, and they all laughed and pointed at Uraraka. She started to cry.

"Oh, is the widdle baby gonna cwy?" Marla said to Uraraka, in a mockingly sweet voice. She started to bawl, and ran home.

Marla Cho - An OC AUWhere stories live. Discover now