the sunshine i didn't know i needed

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synopsis: after reading negative comments on social media about yours' and masons relationship, mason comforts you and reassures you that you two are endgame.

authors notes: this is my first piece of writing, i have proof-read this but, i apologise in advanced for any grammar/punctuation mistakes that you may find. hope you enjoy  <3

Both you and Mason had been introduced to each other through Declan at his 22nd Birthday Bash. You were best friend's with Declan's girlfriend; Lauren. You two had known each other for as long as you both could remember, and as soon as she introduced you to Declan, he adored you. And he knew that as soon as his best friend from the age of 6 had met you, he'd fall for you instantly.

Throughout the party, you and Mason didn't leave each other's side. You both were so engrossed with each other, that you had forgotten all about Declans' party. To you, it didn't feel like you were speaking to Mason Mount the footballer, it felt like you were having a normal conversation with someone. That's one of the things Mason loved about you, he cherished the fact that you didn't treat him like he was famous; you treated him like he was a normal person. Mason instantly knew he wanted to carry on getting to know you, which is why just as the party came to an end, he asked for your number; which you happily gave to him.

After the party, you both carried on getting to know each other; messaging each other when you both could, talking on the phone or speaking over facetime to each other or sometimes casually meeting up when you both were available. It wasn't until a couple of months of you two getting to know each other, Mason got the courage to ask you out on a date.

It wasn't until your fourth date, he asked you to be his girlfriend. He had rushed his last relationship and, he didn't want to make the same mistake with you. He saw you being in his life forever, so he just wanted to take time to get to know you and spend as much time as he could with you.

As time went on into your relationship, Mason decided wanted to go public with you. He didn't want to hide you from the media, he wanted to be able to share the love of his life with the whole world. There was nothing you wanted more than to go public with Mason but, the one thing you were afraid of; was the reaction and the strong opinions you'd get from others (mainly his fans). You didn't voice your problem with Mason, as you just wanted him to be happy so you decided to go public. The reaction you first got, was very positive. Fans thought you two were the cutest couple, and were ecstatic that Mason had found someone who made him happy after his last toxic relationship. As time passed, those positive opinions from his fans; turned sour.

You were currently at home, finishing up some university work for your assignment when your phone was blowing up with notifications from instagram. It was rare for you to check instagram, but for some reason there was a feeling in your gut that you should check it; so you did. You had posted a picture with Mason from the weekend, you both had gone down to Portsmouth to visit his family. The picture was a selfie of you both, the sun hitting you both while you closed your eyes and smiled while Mason placed his lips on your cheek. You couldn't believe some of the comments that people were commenting, it made you feel so low that his so called "fans" were calling you out.

hater12245: they aren't going to last long, she's only using him for his money

masonismybae: he should just get back with chloe, she's way prettier

masssonmountttt: why is he even with her? she's not even that pretty. i bet everything about her is fake

After reading those comments, you couldn't help but cry. It was on cue that as you were crying, Mason walked through the door. You didn't hear him come in, as you were too busy sobbing. Hearing you sob, broke Masons' heart he had never heard you cry before. As soon as he heard you crying, he came straight over to you. You felt his two hands on your shoulders, which made you jump. You looked back and saw him looking down at you with a worried expression on his face; eyebrows furrowed and a frown placed upon his face.

What's wrong my love?" Mason asked placing his warm hand onto your cheek.

"Nothing Mase, I'm fine," You said before wiping the tears from your face, before trying to walk off. As soon as you begun to walk off, Mason grabbed your wrist softly before pulling you back to him, holding you by your waist to keep you there.

"You obviously aren't fine, you've been crying. Tell me what's bothering you" Mason coo'ed at you while moving a piece of strand of hair that had fell in front of your face, to behind your ear.

You took your phone from the table, passed him the phone to show him the comments underneath the picture. As he read through the comments, his facial expression turned soft, and placed the phone onto the table and pulled you into a hug.

"Baby, you know none of what they said is true right? You know that they are just saying that because they're jealous? and because they can't have me, right?" Mason mumbled into your hair while hugging you.

"It just hurts reading those comments that's all, I know it's pathetic getting upset over them" You mumbled into his chest, he pulled away from the hug and he placed his finger underneath your chin to make you look up at him.

"It's not pathetic that you're upset over the comments, you have feelings. You should always feel your emotions my love. It's better to let it out, than keeping it in" Mason said softly.

"Mase, does it bother you that you're not with someone famous?" You asked, Mason sighed before putting both his hands on your cheeks.

"Listen to me when I say this okay? It doesn't bother me one single bit, that I'm not with someone famous at all. You are one of the most loving, kind-hearted and down to earth people I've ever met. Meeting you was one of the biggest blessings in my life, it was so refreshing meeting someone who just wanted to get to know me for me and not because I'm famous. I knew from the minute we started speaking, that I'd be so invested in you and you're life. You made me feel like a normal person, no one has ever made me feel like that ever. When my life started to go dark, you lit it back up again. You were the sunshine I didn't know I needed" Mason said lovingly to you.

"M-mase, you really have a way with words, you know? I appreciate you so much more than you ever know. Thank-you for being you, you mean so much to me" You said before reaching up before putting your hand through his hair.

"You mean a lot to me to my love. From the second I met you, you already had a place in my heart. We're endgame baby, and we will forever be" Mason said softly. Before you had a chance to reply, Mason placed his lips softly to yours.

As you both melted into the kiss, you finally realised that no one else's opinions mattered. You only cared about Mason's opinion and his opinion only. You knew that no matter what life threw at the two you, you'd be able to get through it because as Mason stated, you both were endgame after all.

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