~|Chapter 5|~

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"Who is it...?" Keith's soft voice came from behind the door. Dread and uncertainty was filling him to the brim. He was horrified. There was a fifty fifty chance that it was Pico, but it could also be Cherry.

"Keith, if you don't unlock this fucking door."

Well, Keith knew who it was now.

Opening the door, he saw the freckled ginger with a green sweater and jeans on instead of his khakis. He quickly invited himself inside, then sat on the couch. It was weird to him how clean Keith's house was.

"Where's your phone?"

"Here." He sat next to him and took out his phone, handing it to him. "She's really mad at me, Pico. I don't know what to do. She might tell her parents and her parents might kill me since I broke her heart. But they never liked me anyways so maybe it won't be extremely bad? Maybe? I really have no idea I just need help right now before I lose it and--"

"Okay. Here's what's gonna happen." He began telling him. "Text her and clear some things up. Tell her that you aren't cheating on her with me."

"Okay, okay." He quickly began typing, trying to formulate a good paragraph to send to her. Pico read what he was typing over Keith's shoulder, and once Keith finished, the ginger double checked it.

"Cherry, I never cheated on Pico with you," he nodded to himself. "You have to stop accusing me of things that never happened. You know better than anyone that they haven't happened. Pico and I are just--"

He stopped himself, and his heart sank.


Just friends.

Why did he feel bad? It's the truth. Why does it him hurt to read that?

"So is it good?" Keith asked him, looking at him and seeing his cloudy green eyes. "Should I send it?"

Pico simply nodded in return, leaning back on the clean couch and looking around the house.

As he sat there, the more his breaths became shallow. His eyes kept darting around the room, and the walls began to come closer and closer to him. The room was spinning around him and he wanted to vomit. He felt sick. He felt tired. He couldn't stay here. He needed out. Now.

Quickly, he shot up from his seat and ran to find Keith's bathroom. Luckily, it was located just down the hall from where they were. Once he was inside, he practically fell to the ground and began hurling into the toilet.

Keith followed him in and watched in horror before rushing over and tending to him. He set his hand on his back and grabbed some paper towels to wipe his mouth. When Pico sat up Keith immediately noticed how pale he actually was. The blue haired boy exhaled, then came up with an idea.

"You're staying here tonight, Pico. You can't go home like this."

"Yes—Yes I can." He almost barked at him, going to stand up but he began hurling once again.

When he regained his composure, he looked at Keith and nodded.


A while afterwards, Pico had finished vomiting and took a nice shower while Keith threw his clothes into the wash. Since they were surprisingly the same size, Keith is letting him borrow a change of clothes. Currently, they're both situated on the couch with a cushion between them.

"How are you feeling?" Keith asked him, taking a sip of water. "You definitely don't look as pale."

"...better." He said simply, continuing to watch the television.

"That's good!" He smiled, then it faltered almost as fast when the doorbell rang "Um, I'm gonna get that."


As the boy made his way over to the door, he looked through the peep hole for a split second before turning to Pico. He covered his mouth, quietly tiptoeing over to him. The ginger was about to say something before Keith hushed him. 

"It's Cherry. What do I do?" He whispered, his hands trembling as he fidgeted. "If she sees you she'll think that I'm cheating."

"Talk to her. Just be calm." He responded calmly. 

This surprised Keith. How was he so calm?

"Okay..." He mumbled, getting up and walking over as the doorbell was pressed again. "Coming!" 

When he gained an ounce of courage, he barely opened the door and saw Cherry. He forgot how much she towered over him. She looked at him, holding a stern gaze. It was disapproving, it held pain and so many other emotions. He almost felt bad for her. He was going to be the first to say something, but she quickly cut him off.

"Can you just answer this question?" She asked, her voice sounding more sad than anything.

He nodded.

"When did you stop?"

He hesitated. "Three weeks ago."

He watched her try not to cry, but she wiped her eyes anyway. Her breath became shaky and so did her body. He felt horrible watching her. With a simple breath, he stepped out and closed the door behind him, then opened his arms. Cherry, without hesitation, took the invitation and embraced him. 

A friendly hug, Keith could tell. Actions speak louder than words, as they say.

When Cherry let go, she looked at Keith and gave a small smile. It was forgiving almost. 

"I'm sorry for accusing you." She said with a sigh, turning around to leave. "Thank you for being the best boyfriend I could ask for."

"You're welcome. Have a good day, Cherry."

And with that, she was gone.


Pico watched as Keith came back inside, seeing how he moped around and sat next to Pico. There wasn't a cushion between them this time. He literally sat right next to him. The ginger wasn't sure of what to do, though. Before he knew it, Keith had leaned over onto his shoulder and started crying. 

Muffled sobs just kept coming and coming. He really did feel bad for him. With a bit of hesitance, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder and held him. Just holding him close to himself gave Pico a sense of security. It was odd, but comforting.

"It's over." Pico said softly. "You don't have to worry about it anymore."

Keith took a moment to respond.

"I know." It was muffled by Pico's shirt. "I feel so bad..."

"You shouldn't. You did the right thing, y'know?"

"I guess."

There was silence for a bit.

"Keith, you suck."

"Where did that come from?! What did I do?"

"Let's get ice cream tomorrow."

"Okay, but you didn't answer my question."

"Don't worry about it."

"Pico! Tell me!"

"Nah, it's not important."

"Pico, come on!"

"Oops, I forgot."

"Wooow, I'm sure you did."


With a few laughs and some jokes, the night came and made them both drift  off to sleep. Keith was spread out on top of Pico, but neither of them minded. It was a comfortable position, so they stayed until morning.

And that was the first night Pico was content with his life.


Word count: 1150

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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