Music Class

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Anna's POV

I woke up with my bed head.

I see that Elsa's bed was already ready and that she was preparing breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning"Elsa said while setting the table.

"Good morning" I said while hugging her.

She chuckled and hugged me back.

 I smiled and let go she smiled at me and then her eyes widen and then she looked like she was going to explote into laughter.

"I know my wild bed head can never be tamed"I said and Els giggled.

"Come on" She said while she got my brush and sat me down.

In less than 30 seconds my bed head was in two braids.

"Thanks"I said.

She nodded and smiled while going back to the kitchen.

I went and changed into something more comfortable like skinny jeans and a shirt.

I see that everybody was waking up.

All the girls where ready while the boys went inside the walk-in-closet to change.

I see Mer and Els talking while Els was brushing Mer's hair.

"I ship Eugenzel,Merricup and my top one Jelsa" I told Punzie while almost squealing.

"Me too but I also ship Kristanna"Punzie said.

"Are Hiccup and Merida together?"I asked.

"No he's dating Astrid"She said while sighing.

I nodded saddly.

"There"I hear Elsa said.

I turned and saw that Elsa had done a low ponytail on Mer's hair.

"Thanks"Mer said.

She got up and she was wearing almost the same thing as Els but blue green.

"Come on lets eat before the boys come because I made something delicious"Elsa nearly shouted.

All the girls started eating then I felt two strong hands holding me.

"You started with out me"Kristoff said while giving me a small kiss and getting the chair that Jack had got for him.

"Hey"Jack said while almost falling Kristoff just sat down while sticking his tounge out.

"GUYS"Elsa said firmly.

Everyone looked at her shocked.

And she just smiled while pointing at a chair behind Jack.

"I knew that" He said while sitting down.

Els soon got up and washed her dish and went inside her office she came out and she had Olaf with him.

She started telling him things and pointing at the refrigator.

He nodded happily and left.

"Guys where going to be late for music class"Elsa said.

We all got up and started making our way to music class.

Everyone made way and bowed/curtsied down when we where passing by.

Elsa looked forward emotionless and just kept her head high.

We entered and Duchess Isle looked annoyed but still curtsied, all the girls curtsied while the boys bowed down.

"Good morning Class"Duchess Isle said in disgust.

No one answered and she just rolled her eyes.

"What we are going to do is sing a song that describes all of your group" She said while getting of the stages.

"Get into teams of four and then I will tell you who the song has to describe the song the most"She said while looking at all of us.

"GO"She roared, I was about to laugh but she looked at me sternly.

I immiedatly got up and went to where Elsa was.

Duchess Isle was still glaring at me and I guess Elsa saw her glare and Elsa glared back.

Mer soon came with Punzie behind.

"Wow such a strong glare"Mer said.

"ALL of your team members have to sing"Duchess Isle said while going to each of the teams and whispering who it has to decribe the most.

"Your song has to decribe Princess Merida" Duchess Isle said almost smirking.

"Your favorite song"Punzie said while we sat at a table.

"I don't see how Roar decribes her"Els said.

"It so does not describe you"I said looking at Mer.

"It describes Els" Mer said while smiling.

"Ouch"Elsa said while putting a hand in her chest.

We all laughed well except Punzie.

"Mer doesn't sing"Punzie siad while putting her head in her hands.

"And what song"She siad while jerking back up and almost shouting.

"I have an idea"Els said she turned to look at Mer.

"I don't do singing lass"Mer said while crosiing her arms.

"I will make you a deal,I will make bow and arrows when ever you want and targets for you to shoot them" Els said while putting her hand out.

"How long"Mer said.

"One Month"Elsa said.

"How do I know they won't break when it hits the target"

Elsa made some quickly and made them fly on top of the boys(Kristoff,Flynn,Jack and Hiccup).

Punzie looked amused.

Elsa made it fall and when it almost about to hit them she melted all except one making the arrow hit Hiccup's helmet making it crash to the floor.

The boys glared at Jack while Elsa smiled and put her hands together,

Mer laughed and they looked at us and then we all laughed harder.

They made a I-am-watching-you look.

We rolled our eyes.

"Deal"Mer said.

We all smiled and rehearsed the song.

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