New Students

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Jack's POV

"Hey guys did you hear that we are having new students" I said when I saw them.

They looked excited and Punzie looked the most excited.

"I wonder if they are nice and nice fighters"  Punzie said.

"Punzie maybe they are but maybe they won't like us" Merida said.

"Their going to show their movies/lifes" I said.

"I wonder if their life was exciting" Hiccup and Flynn said.

"Please make your way to the auditoruim" A voice said from behind the speakers.

We all made our way to the auditoruim.

We all sat down and I saw four new people sitting in the back.

They looked like royals except for one that was wearing a hoodie that covered his or her's eyes and hair.

I looked to the front and the movie/life started playing.

The title was called FROZEN.

Basically it was about two sisters one of them had ice powers and the other didn't. The one with ice powers locked her self up becuase she was scared that she would hit her sister.Then their parents died. The one had ice powers was soon crown Queen but she showed her powers when her sister asked her if she could marry a guy she just meet. Then the guy she wanted to marry almost killed her. But the Queen stopped the winter and they lived happily ever after.

The lights turned on and I noticed the ones that looked like royals where all part of the same movie.

I waited for the second movie but it never came.

"Please welcome the new students and you may go to classes tomorrow" North said from a microphone.

We all got up and made our way out.

Punzie was at the door waiting for all of us.

"Hey guys, can we wait for the new students one of them is my cousin" Punzie said we all nodded.

"Did you see the movie" Merida said excitedly.

"Nope"Punzie said.

"Yeah"The rest of us said.

A ginger haired girl appeared with a guy with blonde hair and the he or she with the hoodie.

"Anna" Punzie said hugging the one in with ginger hair.

Anna hugged her back.

"Hey Punzie and Flynn" Anna said while hugging Flynn.

"Who are they?" Punzie said pointing to the blonde guy and the one with the hoodie.

"This is Kristoff and Elsa" Anna said pulling both of them up.

"Oh like the lass in the movie" Merida said while shaking both of their hands.

She then yelped when she touched Elsa's hand.

"Sorry,I was eating ice cream and that is why hand is cold" Elsa said.

Mer nodded but then notcied that she was wearing a hoddie.

"I got to go but nice meeting you all" Elsa said while going up the stairs.

Anna sighed and looked at Kristoff.

"What is Kristoff to you" Flynn said.

"He is my husband" Anna said.

"You married the one that tried killing you" Hiccup asked.

"No that one is Hans" Anna said.

"Are you royals or commoners" I asked.

"Royals" Kristoff answered.

"Great I am hanging out with Royals" I said.

"If you want to we could leave" Anna said.

"No it's just I am the only commener here" I explained while ruffling my hair.

"I was once a commener" Kristoff said.

"So was I" Flynn said.

"Well I have to go and see our classes"Anna said.

"What is your dorm number" Punzie asked while taking a piece of paper out.

"551" She said while going up the stairs.

Punzie wrote it down and put the note pad away.

"I don't think that Elsa lass would open to us as easily" Merida said.

Punzie looked upset and then she smiled.

"Maybe if we are nice to her she will open up" Punzie suggested.

"Let's just hope for the best" I said.

"Well we are going to go to sleep" Punzie said pushing Flynn towards there dorm.

"Goodnight" We all said and went to our dorms.

I just do hope she does open up but there is something familar about her.

I went to sleep with those thoughts.

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