Minerva entered the Great Hall, signalling that they were ready for the champions to enter. She gestured at the students inside the Great Hall to form two rows for the champions to walk between, and the small orchestra started playing a lively tune that would allow the champion to open the ball with a dance.

Viktor Krum had Hermione Granger on his arm, Albus was surprised to see. And that was all Albus saw for a moment, because his vision swam when he noticed the two men entering after Diggory and Delacour.

Harry Potter had brought Lord Voldemort to the Yule Ball.

Albus blinked his eyes, and then blinked again. He quickly removed his glasses and rubbed a finger through his eyes, but even that did nothing to change the most disturbing image he saw before him.

Harry Potter had brought Lord Voldemort to the Yule Ball.

Minerva hurried to his side just as the champions spread out across the dance floor and started waltzing. Lord Voldemort took the lead, which was perhaps not surprising since Harry would probably have no knowledge of how to dance any official dances like a waltz.

“It’s his son,” Minerva all but shrieked in his ear. “Voldemort has an illegitimate son, and Harry has befriended him.”

Albus looked from the dancing Dark Lord to Minerva, still unsure if anything that was happening was even real. Could even be real. “His son? Are you sure?”

Minerva puffed up a bit in annoyance. “Honestly, Albus, do you truly suggest that is actually Lord Voldemort? Dancing with Harry Potter at the Yule Ball?”

Albus swallowed against a dry throat while his hand twitched to reach for the comfort of the Elder wand. Minerva was right. It didn’t make sense for Voldemort to come here with his prophesized enemy. Harry may have rejected the prophecy, but Lord Voldemort certainly hadn’t, Albus was sure of that. Voldemort wouldn’t play nice with Harry Potter, not for any reason. Voldemort was far too worried about his own mortality to ever entertain the idea of letting his prophesized vanquisher live.

Heaving a deep, slightly relieved sigh, Albus nodded at Minerva. “Yes, of course it has to be his son.”

Minerva’s tight expression relaxed somewhat, as though she’d honestly been worried Albus might not have accepted this news and would have insisted this man was Voldemort reborn. “His name is Marvolo Gaunt. He changed it recently. Apparently he grew up with his mother, didn’t even know the identity of his father until after she died earlier this year.” Minerva shuddered briefly. “Though I admit the resemblance is uncanny. It certainly caught me by surprise when they first entered the school.”

Albus nodded again, willing himself to further relax. He wasn’t yet sure what it mean exactly, Harry befriending Voldemort’s offspring, but at least he could rest assured Voldemort himself hadn’t managed to infiltrate Hogwarts.

The official dancing soon ended and tables were pushed into place around the hall for dinner. Albus knew he’d be sitting with Harry and his date, so he mentally prepared himself to question Harry about his current location and his questionable tastes in dance partners.

Once they were all seated and had ordered their food, Albus addressed the Dark Lord’s supposed son. “You look like the spitting image of your father.”

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