~Chapter 19~

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Skeppy stared at his cards, glancing up at the piles in front of him. He didn't really understand this card game - it was the most complicated one Sapnap had taught him. He looked at his cards for a moment longer before playing the one he thought was best, hoping he hadn't made a mistake. It didn't seem to matter, though, as Sapnap ended the game with his next turn.

"That one's too hard," Skeppy sighed, placing his cards with the rest as Sapnap gathered them up to shuffle. He was silent for a bit, and asked, "Did Bad ever play cards with you?"

"Yeah, sometimes. He always gets really competitive, and he's pretty good at most of them. He actually taught me most of the games I know," Sapnap chuckled. He was dealing out the cards for another round, when a knock sounded at the front door.  They both looked over, before looking at each other. It was the middle of the night, who could be knocking at this time? "I'll get it," Sapnap said, standing and walking to the door. He opened it and was pulled into a hug before he could even get a look at who was there.

"Holy crap, Bad, it's been so long since I've seen y-" The man went silent as he pulled away, eyes widening as he scanned Sapnap's face. "-you aren't Bad. Who are you?"

"Uh, I could ask you the same thing," Sapnap retorted, brushing the man's hands off of his shoulders. He crossed his arms and waited for an answer.

The man laughed awkwardly, scratching his black hair under a navy blue beanie. Sapnap caught sight of two fluffy yellow wings sprouting from the man's shoulder blades, rustling with every movement. The man offered a lopsided smile, "Uh, me? Just passing through. Do you happen to know someone named Badboyhalo?"

Sapnap raised an eyebrow, not sure if he should trust this guy. "Maybe, maybe not. Who's asking?"

"Listen, I'm just an old friend of his. Quackity," he said, holding his hand out. Sapnap stared for a moment before shaking it. "Bad used to live here, and I was just wondering if he was still in the area. Do you know him?"

"He never mentioned anyone named Quackity," Sapnap said. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

Quackity sighed, shrugging, "Look, I dunno, man... If I told you where I've been for the past... What, five, six years? You wouldn't believe me. Bad's the only person I can really count on, and I don't have anywhere else to go." He watched Sapnap, and spotted the cards that had been quickly tucked in his pocket. "Hey, I tell ya what... I'll play you in a game of cards, if I win, you help me out. If not, I'll leave and be on my way. Deal?"

Sapnap narrowed his eyes, suspicious of Bad's so-called 'friend', not sure if he should agree or not. But when Quackity offered to change the deal so that he would have to play three games without losing a single one, Sapnap had to admit the odds were pretty fair, considering that the guy was a complete stranger. Besides, he didn't seem that dangerous. As far as Sapnap could tell, Quackity was unarmed, and didn't seem to be in any state to start fights, already a bit scratched up and covered in smears of dirt with occasional scrapes. If worse came to worst, he and Skeppy should be able to win in a fight against him.

"Alright," Sapnap finally said. "I'll take your deal." He allowed Quackity inside, taking a seat at the table. Skeppy was confused, so Sapnap quickly filled him in before dealing out the cards.

It didn't take long for Quackity to win three games. In fact, he seemed to end each one with ease only a short time after the round started. Even when Sapnap challenged him again, Quackity took him up without a care in the world and continued to win with no trouble. Although he was suspicious, perhaps more so than before, Sapnap kept his word, and offered his assistance.

"So," Quackity began, reclining in the chair, "I'm looking for Bad. He's my closest friend, and I don't know anyone else in this area."

Sapnap crossed his arms. "Bad isn't here right now. This is his house, but he went out earlier today and hasn't returned."

Quackity looked a bit worried at that, but he was hopeful nonetheless. "Do you know when he plans on returning?"

"No, he didn't say how long he would be out."

Skeppy hesitantly spoke up. "Maybe we should go look for him... He's been gone all day, what if he's in trouble?"

Knowing Bad, Spanap had to admit there was a good possibility he had gotten lost. He may have also gotten tricked by someone who didn't have good intentions, which had happened all too many times before. It was in Bad's nature - he was naïve and oblivious, and trusted people he shouldn't. Though he too was beginning to worry about his friend, Sapnap shook his head. "It's too late to search tonight. If he doesn't show up tomorrow morning, we'll go ask around."

Quackity cursed under his breath, restlessly shuffling the deck of cards. He was clearly anxious about something. "I swear, if he got himself abducted by the-" He was cut off as the front door flung open, and they all looked up to see Bad rushing inside, his tattered cloak swishing behind him.

"Quackity!" He exclaimed, the worry on his face melting into relief and excitement. "Where the fudge have you been?!" He pulled Quackity into a tight hug. "I was so worried about you, you muffin!"

As Bad fretted over his reunited friend, Sapnap and Skeppy caught sight of someone else in the doorway, the figure covered in shadows. Skeppy stared in mild shock, glancing at Sapnap to confirm what he had seen before hesitantly speaking up.

"Uhh, Bad...? I think someone followed you..."



Hello! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

I'm sorry it's kind of on the short side, but I've been really tired lately and haven't had much energy to write. I may take a small break for the holidays, or at least upload a little less frequently.

By the way, what do you think of the new characters showing up? We're reaching the end of the story (at least, as far as what I have planned for the main story), but a lot of side arcs will be coming up soon, so some of these characters will show up for stories of their own :)

Well, thank you all for reading, and I hope you have a wonderful day!

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