Mulai dari awal

I can barely see from here since they're blocking the way but I know the practice is great because the crowd is going wild.

I look at my watch and noticed it was already 5:30 and I know Kevin is already waiting for me.

Oh no.

I tapped Sana's head and she groaned before pulling away. I stood up and called the two.

"What's wrong, Jen?"

"I need to go home now. I'll see you girls tomorrow" I said before waving my hand

"Wait. We'll go with you. The practice is over anyway"

We finally decided to leave the gym. I look at the players and V and my eyes met so I gave him a small smile before we disappeared outside the door.

"He's still good despite not playing for a long time"

"Of course. That's his passion anyway"

The two spoke referring to V. We suddenly stopped walking when we noticed a tall figure in front of us.

My face lit up when I saw my lilipoo but she looked different.

"Miss president" Tzuyu gasped and bowed her head

The three of us did the same and I bit my tongue to prevent myself from smiling. I missed her a lot.

"I don't think the way out of the campus is inside this gym. Why are the four of you in here?" She said without any hint of emotion in her tone

"We just watched the basketball team's practice, miss. We're on our way home now" Sana told her but she didn't look amused.

"Please leave and make sure to go straight home" she told us before walking away.

I pouted.

She didn't even look at me.

"Whoah what the hell?" Irene said and she exhaled

"What was that? She looked scary"

"Isn't she always? Come on girls. Let's just leave before she comes back and put us in detention" Irene dragged us away.

"I told you we shouldn't have come here" Sana told Tzuyu and the taller girl slapped her arm

"Shut up"

I reached the car and apologized to Kevin because I made him wait. He told me it was okay and he asked me if something happened because he got scared that I haven't arrived yet.

I just told him there was an emergency inside and he bought it.

I leaned back on my seat and look outside. My thoughts drifted off to Lisa. I wonder what's her problem?

She looked a little off the whole day. I need to go home as fast as I can so we could have a talk.

Maybe my lili just miss my cuddles.

I smiled and I can feel my cheeks blushing.
Once I get home, I'm going to shower her with my hugs and kisses.

I changed my uniform into Lisa's shirt. I didn't wear any short and just my underwear before I went to the kitchen and grab a bag of chips.

I run back to the living room and plopped myself on the sofa and turned the TV on. Leo came coming beside me and I rubbed his head and he nuzzled towards my bare leg.

I searched for a kiddie channel and tear the bag of chips before grabbing a fist full of it and stuffed my mouth.

I leaned on the sofa and waited patiently for Lisa to come back home.

I felt something move against my cheek and caressed it. I slowly moved and my eyes opened.

"Hmm, lili?" I glanced at the figure standing in front of me. I look up and saw her looking at me with adoration.

I smiled and leaned into her hand and nuzzled my cheek on it.

"Hey, gorgeous"

"Lili" I raised my hand to her and she smiled before sitting beside me.

I yawned before I straddled her lap and buried my face on her neck and sniff it.

"Still sleepy?"

"Mhmm, you smell nice"

I felt her rubbing my thighs and I encircled my arms around her neck.

"Nini, how long have you been sleeping here? You should've slept at our room"

"I was waiting for you. What took you so long?"

"Oh uhm I was uh busy. There's a lot going on in our school"

"Mhmm I miss you" I wrapped my arms around her tightly

"I missed you too. Did you uhm had a great day today?"

"Yeah. I met a new friend. He's name is V"

I felt her body tensed up so I immediately look up to her. She averted her eyes off of me and I saw her jaw clenching.

"Lili, what's wrong?" I rubbed my eye. I'm still sleepy

"Nothing. You should get some sleep"

"Nooo. Let's stay here"

I noticed she is still in here uniform. She probably just got home.

"I still need to change, princess. Aren't you hungry?"

"I ate chips. Lili, are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

I sensed she was lying so I cupped her cheeks and made her look at me.

"No you're not. Something's bothering you. Is something wrong?"

"Everything's fine ninibear. You have nothing to worry about"

I pouted and pressed our foreheads together.

"Lili, you can tell me anything okay? I'm your partner and soon to be your wife so I have to know if something's bothering you so I'll know how to make it okay"

She smiled at me and bopped our noses together.

"Noted, nini"

I giggled before pecking on her lips.

"I love you"

"Wuvyu, lili. Can you make me a sandwich?"

She shake her head while smiling before carrying me in her arms and walked towards the kitchen.



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