Brittana Marble Game.

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"We're totally going to win this." Santana says with a confident smirk, Brittany's arm linked with her's.

"Totally." Brittany replied with a smile. "With you by my side I'll never lose." Santana chuckled.

"No Britt, you've been the one keeping me sane throughout this whole competition." Brittany furrowed her brows in confusion.

"But half the time I talked about how gummy bears were made to secretly probe Americans." Santana softly giggled while getting up on her toes before placing a kiss to Brittany's cheek.

"I know. Anyway I say we go for 101 first. I've still got some buisness to take care of with him." Brittany's lips curved into a frown.

"I still don't like this. Why couldn't we just let Lord Tubbington handle his own debts?"

"Cause you've got too big a heart to let people struggle on their own." Santana replied. "Don't worry we can get through this together I promise. As long as we stick together we'll be fine, and it's not like that's ever been our problem. You're gonna be okay." Brittany looked into Santana's dark brown eyes before sofly smiling.

"Okay." She replied before the guard stopped, causing both girls to stop walking and watch them turn as the anouncer's voice could be heard throughout the arena.

"Please take one pouch each." It said ringing through the arena. Both girls reached forward and grabbed the pouch that the guard held in front of them. "There should be ten marbles in each pouch. Please check to confirm." The anouncers voice said. Both girls looked at each other before opening their pouches to see ten marbles inside.

"You got ten Britt?" Santana asked after checking.

"9... 10." Brittany said with a smile before looking over at Santana. "Yup, ten!" She replied as Santana nodded.

"Awesome, I've got a really good feeling about this." She said. Brittany returned her smile as the anouncer's voice spoke in the arena.

"In this game, use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you." The voice said ringing through the area. "The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins." Santana's smile faded as she looked at Brittany who smiled back, not quite understanding. "Use your ten marbles to compete with the partner next to you." The player who takes all ten marbles from their partner wins. You have thirty minutes. Let the games begin."

"Oh." Santana said softly while looking at Brittany.

"What." Brittany said with a soft smile that was begining to fade.

"Babe... Do you know what they said?"

"That it's just pratice. They never said the loser will be eliminated. So no one dies this round." Santana smiled, glad Brittany could still find a way to make everything a positive.

"Right." Santana replied clearing her throat. "Yeah, just making sure we were just on the same page."

"Okay, well what game do you wanna play?"

"Ummm I don't know any marble games. Do you?"

"No... Why don't we make one up?"

"Sure." Santana replied with a nod. "How about you think real hard for a miniute and come up with one in that genus brain of yours?" Brittany nodded and sat in the dirt, sitting agenst the wall and began to think of a game while Santana sat next to her and rested her head on her shoulder.

"I got it!" Brittany said after a minute. Santana turned to face Brittany with a smile. "So we each take turns giving each other a compliment and for every compliment we give we get a marble. You can't repeat compliments and whoever gives the most compliments wins."

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