💥 Valentine's Day Special 💥

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"I guess that you'll always be cooking for me. Unless... You want to teach me how to cook better!"

"Maybe someday, but not today. Aizawa would be mad if you burned down the dorms."

"I'm not that bad!"

"You sure?"

"Just open your gift."

I shoved the bag into his face and he grabbed it. He pulled out the tissue paper and his gift. It was a jar full of slips of paper.

"What's this?"

"It's some of the things that I love about you! You can read one every day!"

Katsuki pulled out a slip and read it out loud.

"Katsuki, I love your determination in everything that you do!"

"It took me forever to make, but hopefully, it makes you happy!"

"It does. I got you something too, but you'll have to wait a little bit."

He put his gift on his nightstand and got out of his bed.

"Go get ready. I'm taking you somewhere."

I went back to my dorm room and changed into black jeans and a F/C shirt. I put on my sneakers and grabbed my jacket, phone, and money.

I went back to Katsuki's dorm and he was wearing jeans with a black t-shirt and the bomber jacket that I got him for Christmas.

He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the dorms.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm not telling you, but we need to hurry up or we'll be late."

We picked up the pace and Katsuki told me to close my eyes.

"Don't open them until I tell you to."

He lead me to a chair and I sat down. He talked quietly with someone and lead me somewhere else. I heard a  door shut behind me and Katsuki told me to open my eyes. 

We were in a room full of paintings and sculptures with a huge countdown on the wall. It was at an hour, but as soon as I moved, it started to countdown.

"Katsuki! Where are we?"

"Don't worry. It's just an escape room."

"Ok. What's the goal of it?"

"Maybe try reading that." 

We walked to a scroll hung onto the wall. It told us that we had to find a hidden art piece, put it in its spot, and escape before time ran out.

I ran my hand over the edges of all of the paintings, and on the last one, a key fell.

"I found a key, Katsuki!"

"There's a lock over here."

I unlocked the hidden compartment on a statue and there was a flashlight.

"Turn off the lights."

Katsuki turned off the lights and I pointed the flashlight around the room and found a code on one of the paintings.

I ran around the room, looking for a combination lock when I tripped over a rug. I was fine, but there was writing on the corner of the rug. I flipped it over and there was a code and a coded message.

"Over here Katsuki."

Katsuki crouched next to me and we deciphered the code.

"It says bench!"

There was a bench on the other side of the room and we inspected every inch of it, but there was nothing. I was walking away when Katsuki grabbed my arm.

"This floorboard is loose."

He started to pull on the board.

"Don't break it!"

The board pulled out and the section next to it lifted. Underneath was a ladder leading into darkness. I grabbed the flashlight and Katsuki and I went down.

It was dark and musty, but hidden in the corner was a painting. I grabbed it and handed it to Katsuki. He carried it up the ladder and I followed him up.

There were magnets on the back of it, so we slid it across the walls. We were on the third wall when it got stuck and something fell from the ceiling.

It was to slips of paper. Katsuki grabbed one, read it, and shoved it into his pocket. I grabbed the other one and it was a math problem. Lucky me.

I solved the math problem and got the escape code. Katsuki typed it in and the countdown stopped. We escaped with twenty minutes and four seconds to spare.

"We did it Katsu!"

"Yeah, we did."

We took pictures with a sign that said: We Escaped! 

"Hey, Katsu, what was the other sheet of paper?"

"See for yourself. I asked them to add this."

Get back to the dorms for your surprise.

"You wrote this?"

"Yeah, but you should listen."

"Let's go then!"

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the dorms.

"Go change into pajamas and meet me in front of my dorm."

I changed into my fluffies pajamas and went to Katsuki's dorm. He was waiting outside in his pajamas and gestured for me to open the door.

I twisted the doorknob and walked inside. There were pillows and blankets everywhere. Katsuki grabbed something from inside his closet and forced it into my hands.

It was a basket with my favorite snacks and candies, and tied to it was a bouquet of my favorite flowers.

"Thank you Katsuki! I love it!"

I set the basket down and tackled him in a hug. He let us fall onto the pillows and blankets. I cuddled into his side and he covered both of us with a blanket. He turned on an action movie and then wrapped his arms around me.

"I'll make you lunch later, but for now, I just want to enjoy this."

Thanks for reading! Your support means the world to me! Have a great day!🥰 😘

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