Run Together: Part 03

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Chapter 04: Run Together Part 03

Later that day, as the exhausted shoppers finally collapsed into the Rust Bucket's kitchen booth for the last time, Ben's head hit the table with a thunk as Gwen collapsed onto its surface in a slightly more dignified manner, but not by much.

"My feet are killing me," she moaned as she rolled her head to look at Ben.

"Umgfs," he replied from where his face was still buried into the tabletop.

Max just laughed as he ruffled Ben's head on his way to the front to get the RV on the road.

"What was that doofus?" Gwen said as she nudged his shoulder with her own.

"Mine too," he replied as he rolled his head to the side to look at her.

Ben forced his tired head off the table and leaned it back against the seat, his eyes closed in exhaustion.

He eventually opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Gwen. He raised one hand and gently pushed her over so that she landed on her back on the seat. He grabbed her feet and pulled them into his lap, slowly pulling the shoes and socks off. He placed the shoes and socks on the table and gently began to massage her feet, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

Ben smiled; it wasn't the first moan he'd heard that day. Their make-out session before lunch had been very hot and heavy with lots of kissing and roaming hands, but not more than that, despite the unspoken, inner desire to cross that line.

Ben hummed as he worked to relieve the stress on her feet, pressing his fingers into the muscles and slowly working to relieve the tension. Her moans grew as the stress drained away from her aching feet.

Max just looked back in the mirror to make sure they were still behaving themselves.

Ben could feel Max's eyes from the mirror but kept massaging, despite his exhaustion. Ben's desire to make Gwen feel better was driving him to keep going until she was relaxed and comfortable.

Eventually, her moans stopped, and her breathing evened out as she fell into a light slumber. Ben smiled and gently slid out of the booth and placed her feet down. He leaned over and kissed her forehead before standing and heading to the front.

"You'll make a great husband one day," Max said as Ben slid into the passenger seat, the younger man all but collapsing into the cushions.

"I hope so," he replied as he tried to prop his head upon his hand, his elbow resting on the armrest. He missed a few times but eventually was able to get his head to land on the fist he'd been aiming for. "She's worth it," he added as he sighed in relaxation.

Max smiled as he drove, he had promised that he'd get the teens some dinner, but after seeing how exhausted they both were he had decided to just take them home so they could sleep.

"Grandpa?" Ben asked a few minutes later.

"Yes Ben," the elder Tennyson replied as he kept his eyes fixed on the road.

"Can Gwen and I sleep here tonight? We're both so tired we don't want to move."

"Hmm," Max said as he thought it over. It would be best to just let them sleep in the Rust Bucket and take them home in the morning. He could buy them breakfast on the way.

"I don't see why not, I'll just have to call your parents first, let me find a good place to pull over so I can make the call."

Ben nodded even as he was beginning to drift off to sleep himself, Max smiled again.

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