Chapter 8

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MJ's pov
I hate to say it,but dad's doing a surprisingly good job being a teenager.he's a lot more fun then when he was an adult,but now comes the hard part:after school rehearsals."why do we have to be here Michelle?"he asked as we entered he auditorium,i glared at him."because I have talent."i replied harshly,"MJ!you made it!I was worried that you got expelled."Charles said."me?getting expelled?never."i said,he noticed my dad."I'm Michelle-I mean MJ's brother Mikey."he lied,"oh,nice to meet you."Charles said."don't worry,he's only visiting for a week."i said,"I'm Charles."he introduced himself to my dad."I'm in charge of the talent show."he explained,"speaking of talent show,are you ready?"he asked me.i nodded,I picked up my guitar case and went up the stage.

dad took my bag and his bag and sat down at one of the seats.when I got on stage I took my guitar out of its case,after plugging it in I began to tune my guitar.once it was tuned I cleared my throat,"I'm ready."i said to Charles.he nodded,"go for it MJ."he said.i began to play my guitar wildly,my dad widened his eyes in shock,I grinned as I began to sing."Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me"I did some awesome guitar riffs as I ran around,was dad smiling?I couldn't tell,I just focused on my music.

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