We have our normal dose of banter on the way there, which honestly didn't take long because Sammy drives like she's Dominic Toretto's daughter. As she pulls up my heart starts beating a tad faster so I start taking deep breaths. Sammy notices and grabs my hand, "Hey... hey look at me. You're okay, I'm going to be next to you the whole night okay?", "Yeah...yeah okay." We walk to the beautiful mansion that I'm just now noticing. Its fucking phenomenal. Sammy knocks on the door and a very attractive man opens up smirking, "Ah bella, so glad you could make it, please come in." Sammy blushes so hard I almost laugh." Hi Christiano, this is Y/N, my best friend." He takes my hand and kisses the back of it, "Why hello Y/n, I hope you enjoy the party" I smile and thank him. "Please follow me so I can introduce you to my friends." He places his hands on mine and Sammys backs and guides us through all the dancing bodies to the main area and told us to sit on the couch while he goes to get his friends. Sammy gets up quickly and runs to grab us a drink. I study her face as she walks back and man does she really love being in this moment right now. We hardly talk because the music is defining, but the whole time it felt like I was being watched, it didn't make me uncomfortable, it felt almost like I was being protected over so I just brush it off. Just then Christiano comes up to us and takes us up stairs to a medium room where the music drowns out. "It's nice to actually hear again" I say, and Christiano starts laughing, "Yeah Enzo likes to blast that shit to the max, speaking of..." Two very very attractive men walk into the room smiling and Cristiano introduces them, "This ugly man on the right is my cousin Lorenzo" boy was he far from ugly, his features were so defined, his light brown hair was slicked back, and his emerald green eyes...I could get lost in them, I swear I physically stopped breathing when we made eye contact. "And the uglier man next to him is my friend Ricardo, Enzo, Ricky this is the lovely Y/n and the gorgeous Sammy." " you sure have a way of introducing people" Ricardo says laughing. The boys both take mine and Sammys hands and kiss the back, and Lorenzo looks me in my eyes and says "Ciao bella, you look lovely," "T- um thank you" I can feel my face burnin while he looks at me with hungry eyes smirking at me. "You don't look too bad yourself" I managed to get out while still looking deep into his eyes. He softly takes my hand and leads me to one of the couches. " Please have a seat bella, I'd like to get to know you." I oblige and take a seat, he sits next to me and just stares at me and my every move. It feels familiar, sitting under his gaze. As soon as he opens his mouth to talk the door flies open and a drunk red head slowly waltz's in and plops herself on Lorenzo. He sighs in defeat and I blurt out " well you look busy so I'll just come back later," I quickly stand up and rush out the door as I hear him shout "Y/n WAIT!" but I don't stop, I soon find myself in the kitchen on my third bottle of Smirnoff ICE, mind you I'm 22 and don't drink that often so the third hit pretty hard. I make my way to where majority of the people are trying to seek out Sammy, but I soon found myself getting caught up in the euphoric feeling of being drunk mixed with the pounding of the music. I sway my hips around just enjoying the feeling of letting go when I soon feel his eyes on me again. I look up to the second level and he's there... watching me bend over the railing. His emeralds brooding over me from a far, but quickly turn cold, I look at him confused then I quickly get turned around so forcefully I loose my balance. "Wow... you are just so gorgeous." " Please let go of me, y-you're hurting me." The man smirks at me ,"I don't think so, you look too delicious to let go." He grabs my face hard which I'm sure will leave a bruise, he leans in to kiss me, I squeeze my eyes shut and struggling to pull back when his hand is snatched away from my face. It takes me a minute to try and understand what is happening, but when I do, Ricardo is taking me upstairs while Lorenzo is beating the life out the man who forced himself on me.

I'm sitting on a bed in a dark room, the lights don't have much effect on brighting the place up. The floor is a dark cherry wood, the walls are dark grey and the bed and curtains are navy blue. It felt like hours had past and I was slowly sobering up. The door opens and Lorenzo comes in with blood splattered on his white button down. I think he was looking for a reaction to the blood, but if he knew the shit I saw growing up he'd think so little of me. I got up quickly and grabbed his hands, he looked at me confused and I pulled him into the bathroom connected to the bedroom. "Sit please." He's still looking at me confused so I push him down onto the toilet. I grab a towel off the counter and soak it in warm water, "Give me your hand" I say while making eye contact, as he gives me his hand I notice him shift under my gaze and it makes me blush. I bite my lip as I'm concentrating on cleaning his busted knuckles. "You know....." I look up raising an eyebrow, "I really want to bend you over this counter right now, you playing nurse is hot." I was so shocked at what he said all of my movement had stopped at I looked at him with wide eyes as he takes his other hand to my face and pulls my lip out of my mouth. "I uh, I don't really know how to respond to that," chuckling he says "I figured that was too straight forward, but I like taking risks." I look down at his knuckles smiling and finish wrapping it up. "well why don't I get you a clean shirt, baking soda and seltzer water with some hydrogen peroxide will take the blood out," he raises an eyebrow "and you know that because?" Smirking I say " well wouldn't you like to know," while walking out of the bathroom to his dresser and pulling out a clean shirt. Following behind me he takes his shirt off and I turn to face him. I stop in my tracks and my gaze is lingering on his chiseled chest and torso, " see something you like?" " very" slips out before I could even think about stopping myself, and my face turns bright red. "Hm" he says smirking at me. Hm? HM?? TAHTS ALL HE HAS TO SAY?? before I  embarrass myself even more I quickly shove the clean shirt in his hands and head for the door. "So you're just going to leave me? harsh" he says laughing, "yeah well, I have to check on Sammy." Smiling he says "She's still in the room with Christiano, she's good." "Oh you mean the room where you wanted to get to know me, but then let a supermodel straddle you?" I said it as a joke, but I meant it, that women was gorgeous. "If anyones a supermodel under this roof it's you bella. She's an old friend and was drunk, but I promise you all my attention was on you." My heart flutters and he walked up to me still with no shirt on. My breath hitched and I was backed into the wall. His hand comes up to my face caressing it. "I want to kiss you so bad bella, you don't even know." "so do it" I pant out breathlessly. But he stops himself and backs up away from me smirking. "In do time gorgeous, all in do time." As he puts the shirt on a slip out of his room and make my way to the room we were all in before, I open the door and Sammy and Christiano are cuddled up asleep on the couch and Ricardo is on his laptop typing away, he notices me and lifts his head up, "Hey how are you feeling?" " oh, I guess I'm okay. I grew up around violence so that really didn't phase me you know? as for the guy.... that wasn't the first time iv'e been assaulted and I honestly doubt it'll be the last" I say laughing, he looks at me concerned. "I can promise you from now on it will most definitely be the last."  "That's sweet, thank you. So what are you up to?" "Just finishing up some work, parties aren't really my scene you know?" "definitely, they aren't mine either, I guess it's good for me to socialize in big crowds once in a while as some sort of like an exposure therapy thing for my social anxiety, but I hate it." He softly smiles at me, " I get it, I have anxiety too. You know it's nice talking to you, you have a calming aura to you." I blush," oh thank you, its nice talking to you too. 100% better then talking to my therapist." He bursts out in laughter, "so I guess humor is a coping mechanism for you?" I smirk at his comment "You can see right through me huh..." "There you are, You had me worried for a sec" Lorenzo says as he plops down next to Ricardo, "Sit down bella." "Actually I think I'm going to head home,I don't want to wake up Sammy tho, do you mind if she spends the night?" His face falls, "Why do you want to go? Um I- Well yeah she can spend the night, but so can you." I smile at him, "I appreciate your offer, but I respectfully decline as I love to play hard to get" I say jokingly and wink at him, "Is that so?" he says smirking. "Mhm, But seriously thank you for letting her stay and thank you for all of your hospitality, do you have a pen and paper I can write my number down on? if anything happens with Sammy I don't want you to hesitate to call me."He stares at me smirking and says, " I do, but so much for you playing hard to get, so willingly giving me your number bella." I roll my eyes and scuff, "do that again and see what happens." He hands me a pad and a pen and I write my number down. Ricardo stands and places his hand on my lower back and Lorenzo scowls at him. "I'll drive you home". "What? no you don't have to go through all that trouble, I already called an Uber, but I really appreciate it thank you." Ricardo frowns and nods. "Goodnight boys" They return the goodnight and I head off home. When I arrive I text Sammy to let her know that I Ubered home and didn't want to wake her, but that I was safe. I took a shower and as soon as my head hit the pillow I knocked out.

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