20- The Wedding

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     Todays the day, the day I marry the love of my life. It feels so surreal. These past two years have done a number on me, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I take the dress I bought two weeks ago down from the hook in my closet and I lay it down on the bed. Lorenzo stayed at Ricardos house with Christiano and Sammy stayed here. Lorenzo thought it was stupid, but I'm superstitious. 

     Sammy pokes her head in the bedroom, "Okay babes, you have two hours till we have to be at the church, let me know if you need help with anything." I smile and nod at her. She was already situated incase she needed to run anywhere and get anything for me. She did my hair for me while I did my makeup, now all I needed to do was get my dress on. 

     I slip into my dress and put my heals on and I go to walk out the room, but my nerves stop me. I tell myself to take deep breaths and just then Sammy walked to the room like she sensed my panic. "Hey, you're okay babes. You want this." I take a deep breath, "Yeah...I do". She gives me a soft smile and takes my hand as she walks me to the elevator. "Okay so, The boys are already there, everything is set up you just have to go and wait in a back room till you're signaled." I nod at her as we walk to the limbo Lorenzo sent for us. 

     As we pull up to the church the tears form in my eyes as I turn to Sammy. "Is this really happening? Am I actually getting married?". She rubs the back of my hand and grins, "Yeah and you're gonna look hot doing it." I giggled and looked up so the tears don't ruin my makeup. "Oh by the way babes, the men couldn't decide who was going to walk you down the aisle...so they both are." I look at her and laugh. I love that they both are, Andrew is a sweet man and his son is like my brother, and Giaccamo is quite literally about to be my father-in-law.

     The security opens the church doors for me and Sammy as we walk up to them. We give them a nod and they return it. Sammy sneaks me into a side room and Giaccamo and Andrew walk in. "Wow, you look beautiful nuora (daughter-in-law)", "I agree, you look gorgeous Y/n". I smile at them softly, "Thank you guys. And thank you for walking down the aisle, I wouldn't want it any other way." The smile at me and nod. Then the music starts. After a minute or less and lady walks in the room, "Okay bride its your cue." The men stand on either side of me and I snake my arms in theirs.

     We step up to the doors and they open wide revealing my handsome husband-to-be standing at the alter with a grin on his face and all of our men in the pues with a lot of Lorenzo's family members and some family friends. I also got a glance of Luca and his face was filled with joy.

(church reference)


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Lorenzo's POV:

     After Ricardo, Sammy and Christiano walked down the aisle, the doors opened and in walked mine and Ricardo's father with my beautiful Y/n in the middle. She looked stunning and she only got more beautiful the closer she got. I wanted her to be mine the day I laid eyes on her and today....today I make her my wife. 

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