"Unfortunately," says Amelie, "we won't be able to stay long this time either. You know," she gestures to Evie. "Her mother is really strict. She had to lie again that she was going elsewhere."

"Lying is a sin," Nikki tenses Evie, grinning at her.

"Then I'm a big sinner," Evie chuckles, looking at Nikki. "If my mother knew what I did... and she had no idea... She would go crazy."

"Her sister is a nun," says Amelie.

"Amelie!" Evie seems upset that her cousin brought this up. "I don't want to talk about my family now."

"But why?" Nikki asks, getting a little closer to her. "I want to know more about your family and you..."

"No, you don't want to," Evie nods and smiles weakly. "My mom and sister are... weird. My sister rarely comes home. I don't think you'd want to meet them."

"I imagine them as cute as you," Nikki tells her, his smile growing.

"They are not at all," Amelie scoffs. "I don't know how Evie can live with them."

"And let me guess... Is your father a priest?" Tommy suddenly asks.

The smile on Evie's face completely dissipates when she hears such a question. A painful question for her. Amelie knows about it and she doesn't smile anymore and shows Tommy a restricted look, implying that it wasn't a good question indeed. Nikki looks at Evie with more curiosity and confusion.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks her.

"Yes," she looks up at him and forces a small smile.

"I'm sorry if my question hurt you," Tommy says with a really embarrassed look.

"It's ok," Evie smiles. "Anyway, my father wasn't a priest. He was an engineer. He died... two months before my birth... I've never had a chance to meet him."

"I'm so sorry," Tommy says, feeling even worse that he asked her such a question.

"I didn't know that," Nikki says and moves a hand on her shoulder feeling the brunette startle slightly. "I am so sorry."

"Thank you," Evie smiles dazed by his touch.

Nikki smiles and takes her hand back, noticing that Evie looks uncomfortable. Another 20 minute follow in which the four talk and food is brought to them. The plate of food is barely put in front of Amelie that when she sees it, she turns pale and puts a hand to her mouth. Tommy looks at her worriedly and asks her:

"Hey, babe? What's wrong?"

"Amelie?" Evie also asks. "What is it? This is your favorite dish."

"Excuse me!" Amelie says quickly, getting up. "I'm going to the bathroom!"

And the brunette immediately runs away from the table, leaving the other three confused in a hurry with which she left as soon as she saw the food. Tommy wants to tell her something, but Amelie isn't there anymore. Evie doesn't think long and gets up from the table and says:

"I'm going after her. Maybe she needs something."

The two men nod and Evie hurries after her cousin. She reaches the bathroom and goes inside. There she looks for Amelie. She doesn't see her. But there is an unusual sound. As if someone throws up. She goes and knocks on the door of one of the toilets:

"Amelie? Are you there?"

Evie can hear the water being flushed and the door opening and a very pale Amelie coming out who really doesn't seem to be feeling well.

"Amelie? What is wrong? Are you sick?" Evie is getting more and more worried about her cousin.

Amelie tries to stay calm, but starts crying out loud. Although confused, Evie takes her in her arms and says:

You make my world wild- A Nikki Sixx FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now