The Amazing Spider-Man Issue # 700-Dying wish

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Y/N Pov

With great power, comes great responsibility. Those were the words he told me before he died. Those were Peter Parkers dying words, and his dying wish, for me to be a better Spider-Man. I will. That... I can promise.


I... was in his body. My father... he did it. I didn't want this. I look toward my old body, now with Parker's mind. We were inside of hospital's in Metroplois.  I was seeing everything Parker has, living through what he did. His Uncle, his Aunt. Everything. It's too much.

Y/N: " Please... I don't want this."

Peter: " Its too late, careful what you wish for am I right?"

Y/N: " Tell me... why do I... How can I do this? "

Peter: " Because you have too... with great power.."

Y/N:  " Must come great responsibility. "

Peter nods his head before laying his head on the floor. 

Peter: " Just wish I could see... Mj.. or Aunt May one last time. Promise you'll take care of them."

Y/N: " I promise."

Peter: " Thank... you.... "

I look down at Parker, still in my disabled, broken body, as he passes away. There is only one person responsible, Otto Octavius. Do not worry Parker, i'll do what you wont.

End Flashback

I will make him proud. I swing toward my fathers location,  he was being kept in a bed at the hall of Justice. However, more memories of Peter's life run through my head. Now I see him with his, who I presume, girlfriend, and even him with Batman. I am awoken from my thoughts by the sound of screaming. Immediately, I turn toward it and swing at high speeds. I land on a building and notice, its the daily planet. And its... scorpion. Mac Gargon. My father had him join his sinister six, from what I hear he's a brainless brute, like the rest of Parkers villains. 

Scorpion: " Where is J. Jonah Jameson?!?"

Most of the workers were screaming and shouting, begging. However, there were three figures I noticed from Parker's memories. May Parker, Lois Lane, Mary Jane Watson,  and Clark Kent. I must do something, I promised to protect them. 

3rd Pov

Jameson: " Kent, get everyone out while I distract him."

Clark: " Boos, you can't just fight him. You don't stand a chance."

Scorpion crawls close to the large crowd of workers. Louise is trying to convince Clark so move, but he isn't. 

Clark: ' Damn it, there's to many people. I can't change like this '

Clark: " Boss come on just-"

Jameson: " Just do it!"

Clark grits his teeth before trying to get everyone out of the way.

Scorpion: " So then, lets end this!"

Jameson: " Don't hurt any of them! It's me you want! I turned you into a monster im responsible!"

Scorpion smiles deviously before turning and seeing an old lady and old man.

Scorpion: " How about your father? Ohh or his beloved wife?"


Y/N Pov

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