No. 2

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A family of ten with your seven siblings made for an interesting family dynamic. The eight of you unwittingly and perhaps with no awareness at all split yourself into two groups: the protectors and the protected. You fell in with the protectors with Bill as the oldest, then Charlie, Percy and you. The four of you all had a mutual understanding for protecting your siblings.

Despite being younger than your three older brothers, you were treated differently in comparison to the four younger Weasley children. It was different when all of you had yet to be born when there were only four Weasley children. Then, you were the baby sister and your three older brothers would have slay dragons for you if they had to. You reckoned they still would, except Charlie but that was more his love for Dragons than his lack of love for you.

You had a unique relationship with your three older brothers. Bill was a bit of a role model for you. When he was made a prefect you had thought that you too would like to have that badge and responsibility and with his cool and relaxed demeanor, you couldn't help but want to be like your eldest brother. Years later young Harry Potter would see the similarities between the two of you when he had finally met all of Ron's siblings. That casual tone you took at all times and cool aura that seemed to surround you was recognizable in Bill, usually unbothered by your brothers - and by that you mean the twins - antics. Twelve year old Harry Potter had thought that nothing could surprise you when he met you for the first time at the Burrow. But of course there were things that bothered you and although you were similar to Bill you were not Bill.

There were parts of Percy in you as well. Percy was your brother and as much as it was strange to say - felt the most like your brother. With seven siblings there was bound to be siblings you connected the most with and yours had a habit of being Percy. Only a year older than you, Percy was someone you found yourself related to often. You were well read as he was and had that same thirst of knowledge. While Bill and Charlie liked Quidditch and the excitement of their adventures at school, you and Percy both enjoyed the earning of new knowledge and the hopes of the fruits of your labor. Growing up with Percy was books always borrowed from his room that you were certain he did notice missing but never mentioning it to you and nights spent sneaking into his room and talking about your ambitions. He would tell you how he wanted to work in the Ministry and one day rise up while you told him that you wanted to work in Magical Law Enforcement. If it had been anyone else, no one would have listened to Percy. Bill and Charlie wouldn't take him seriously, the twins would laugh at him, Ron and Ginny would simply ignore him but not you. You could say that simply by listening to your older brother you were closest to him but it ran deeper than that. There had always been a mutual respect and an ability to read one another when it came to the two of you. The fact that you found out about Percy's secret girlfriend frighteningly fast your fifth year and he knew with one look that you fancied Oliver Wood your sixth year was no coincidence.

Then there was Charlie. Charlie was long gone soon after you started Hogwarts, graduating in your third year. While you were closest to Percy and Bill was the one you wanted to be like, Charlie was the brother you went to to tell everything because he always never told a soul. He was your confidant before he left Hogwarts and went to Romania. Because of this, Charlie was the brother who brought on sentimental feelings for you. He was the brother that badgered you about taking his favorite classes and wanted you too to be a Dragonolist, which you had pulled a very put off face at. He was the one you told all your secrets to and always - and you mean always - complained about Fred and George which never got back to them or anyone because you could tell Charlie everything. While you were saddened by Bill leaving in your very first year, you were overcome in emotions when Charlie left. Even far away in Romania Charlie was still this confidant for you, though. He was, as he had told you at graduation when your thirteen year old self was crying at him leaving you, only a letter away. In your fourth year and the very eventful arrival of your youngest brother Ron, he was still this confidant to you and it seemed you were his as well.

Dearest Y/N,

I'm glad to hear that your fourth year has been off to a good start. A win for our house against Slytherin always brightens my days here. What is this you said about the Captain, Oliver Wood? Wonderfully talented, you called him? Is there anything I should know, Y/N? I remember him being knocked off his broomstick his first match just when the match started. From what you said it sounds like Harry's a talented seeker, maybe Gryffindor will win the cup with him again!

The dragons are good, yes, thank you for asking. And no, Y/N, my burns are fine. Thank you for the concern as always but it's alright, I promise you. It's what they do and it's just my job to help them. If you keep going on about the dragons like that you might sound like Mum.

I never thought I would get a letter from you that didn't mention Fred and George. It looks like trouble is following the younger Weasleys around. At least we know little Ginny won't be any trouble. Ron will be ok, I promise. He's good friends with the Potter boy and a girl, right? Don't tell anyone I told you this (and no matter what Ron does not Mum), but Ron sent me a letter a while ago. Hagrid the Gamekeeper got a dragon - a Norwegian Ridgeback if you'd believe it! - and asked for my help to get it out of the country. It's illegal to breed Dragons in England and Hagrid could get into loads of trouble if he was caught. It was good thinking on Ron's part, really. I flew up with a few friends of mine and took the dragon Norbert - well, Norberta seeing as it's a female - and no one was hurt or in trouble. Ron and his friends got detention but besides that no harm done. Don't be too hard on him, unlike Fred and George he didn't go looking for any trouble. It just fell in his lap and he wanted to help.

Your Brother Charlie


Dearest Charlie,

Wait a minute, Charlie. Dragons at Hogwarts? You have got to be joking! Ron is a bloody idiot. If I thought the twins were driving me crazy I don't even know what to expect from Ron. A first year and sneaking Dragons out of the country before Christmas break? Merlin, what is going to happen next year?

Don't worry Charlie no one will hear a word, least of all Mum! And I'll burn your letter to get rid of your admittance of criminal acts. Ron owes you big, Charlie, big! Did I say he's an idiot? Doesn't matter, he is an absolute moron. What on Earth he'll do next year is beyond me. Count yourself lucky you don't have to do it. I thank Merlin himself that Percy doesn't know about what Ron did, his eyes might have bulged right out of his eye sockets before he lectured young Ron about the importance of rules. You know how he loves them so much.

I don't know what you're implying about the Quidditch Captain. He is talented and that is all I meant by it, Charlie. He is very passionate about the sport and even though all the Twins do is complain about him running them around at practice I think it's wonderful how passionate he is. Not that I mean anything by that! Again, whatever you're implying couldn't be more wrong. Harry is talented, though. He caught the snitch in his mouth if you'd believe me! Things are looking up for Gryffindor since you left, Charlie, I know it!

Your Sister Y/N


Dearest Charlie,

Forget what I said in the letter I sent where I wondered what would happen next year because of our youngest brother. Ron and his friends defeated a troll! A troll, Charlie! Eleven years old and our brother terrified of spiders thanks to Fred defeated a troll! I can't believe it. Mind you, Dumbledore gave Gryffindor so many points at the end of the year that we won the house cup. Even Percy didn't mind. He was thrilled, actually. Don't worry, he doesn't know about Ron's idiocy and Dragon escapades. I bet if he knew he wouldn't even care given how many house points Ron earned! With the amount a dumb luck it seems Ron is gifted with I wouldn't even be surprised if he was made a bloody prefect in spite of all the trouble I think he will end up causing.

Please come visit this summer, Charlie. There is only so much of uninterrupted time with Fred and George I can take before I lose it how Mum does!

P.s. Don't tell Mum I said that, she'll have my head and I find I like it rested on my shoulders.

Your Sister Y/N


When eleven year old Ron Weasley had his older brother Charlie come to take away the dragon and when he fought off a troll in the dungeons he thought his siblings were none the wiser all the while. He hadn't a clue that his older sister was aware of this and that his older brother had told her. This was fine with Y/N Weasley because as much as it is an older sister's job to tease her younger brothers, it is just as much her job to protect them and for Ron the best protection was his own ignorance. After all, sometimes it is true that ignorance can be bliss.

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