Bloody Menaces

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Being a Weasley meant that you were - as you had said many times cursed but reluctantly admitted to yourself, blessed, as well - to have far too many brothers to keep your sanity. Growing up in your small house with 6 brothers was no cake walk - the sea of testosterone was enough to make any girl go mad, it certainly had done that to your mother a few times. It was usually your younger twin brothers who made her screech with her hands on her hips as she pursed her lips angrily. It was needless to say your younger sister was a gift from Merlin himself.
The thing about having a surplus of brothers was that they had a tendency to be terribly protective. It'd be an easy mistake to make in thinking that only your older brothers - of which you had three - would be the ones who felt the need to protect you. Bill and Charlie had been long gone and Percy - well, Percy was Percy. Your studious older brother had always been one to mind his own business and keep to himself, with you at least that was. Percy never held back on account of your twin brothers, but you couldn't really blame him - the two of them were a magnet for trouble. He reprimanded the twins when they did anything against the rules, which was a daily occurrence, and they mocked him for his superiority complex - their words, not yours. Percy loathed their lack of respect for the rules and they loathed his love for the rules. In all honesty, you didn't care one way or the other when it came to Percy enjoying being Head Boy a little too much or Fred and George's talent for trouble as you fondly referred to it.
What you did care about was your twin brother's propensity to meddle in your business. It didn't matter that you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself and that you were older than them, the pair of them had no sense of boundaries. You were stuck with a pair of overprotective younger twin brothers who never ceased to bother you on a daily basis. It didn't matter that you were older than them and at the age where it was normal for a girl to want to date a boy, in Fred and George's eyes no one would be good enough for Y/N Weasley. You wouldn't put it past them to scare off and prank any boy who dared to ask you out on a date. It was bad luck, really, on your part that the person you wanted to ask you out a date was their Quidditch Captain.
It wasn't like you had asked for this to happen, though, was it? You hadn't asked for Fred and George to make themselves your unwanted protectors and you certainly hadn't asked to fancy the most problematic choice. What should worry you is if Oliver did see you the way you saw him - but no, you had to worry about Fred and George and what hell they would rain over their Quidditch Captain if he even thought about asking you out. Who were you kidding? If he looked at you a little too long they would rain hell over him. 
That's the very reason you sat in the Gryffindor Common Room blowing off steam after the Quidditch Match. Gryffindor had beat Slytherin - which could never not be a reason to celebrate - and you had made the decision to drown the frustrations of the week in firewhisky that you didn't even enjoy as you choked on it after every sip. It had been a long week, a disastrous week if you'd been honest, with all your advanced classes this year piling on top of you and prefect duties, your energy had all but worn you completely out by the end of the week. When today came you had thought that the week was over and you could relax - enjoying yourself at the Quidditch match supporting your brothers and Harry and perhaps look at a certain keeper without any consequences. In the end, a loud comment from a laughing Fred along the lines of "Oi Wood! I better not see you flirting with my sister!" while you were actually talking to Oliver without interruptions for once as you congratulated him on the win, was all it took for you to drown yourself in those frustration from this week. By drown, you clearly meant get absolutely knackered. It wasn't hard, you were a lightweight. Unfortunately for you though, you forgot that you were a bit of a talkative drunk and would tell anyone almost anything.
There you were, many hours after Gryffindor had won the match, slumped down on the coach as you were in your chatty state after your only-Merlin-know'-how-many fire whiskeys next to the Quidditch team's three chasers. It was suffice to say you were more than a little bit tipsy. You had achieved your goal of drowning those frustrations, but had lost your inhibitions as well. It was purely bad luck you were in the midst of divulging information that either wasn't yours to give or wasn't information you wanted to give. "Don't even get me started on my brothers," You groaned in a bitter voice, still annoyed at the twins while drunk.
"What brothers?" Alicia asked humorously. "You've got six if I remember correctly."
You didn't even recognize the smirk on her face, only scoffing so loudly it was comical. "Fred and George, of course." You took the last sip of your fire whiskey, grimacing at the burning sensation in your throat, though not as much as you had done earlier in the evening. "A pair of bloody menacies if you ask me."
"What have they done now?" Katie asked, genuinely interested. You weren't generally one to share this type of information and the girls were interested to say the least. You weren't a closed book like Percy was but you never divulge information unless you wanted to - or in this case had a few too many fire whiskeys. The Gryffindor chasers knew that Fred and George had a habit of annoying you, but what they did to get you this upset was unusual.
"They've ruined my life is what they've done!" You exclaimed in an over-the-top dramatic voice. Tossing your empty cup on the floor, your hands found their way onto your face as they covered it.
Angelina, Alicia and Katie all exchanged glances. They weren't sure if Fred and George really had done something to upset you this much or if it was the - what was it? - six fire whiskeys you had consumed by now. Not a moment later you were babbling about things that you really shouldn't have been babbling about.
"Ginny hasn't stopped talking about Harry for three years now, of course," You said rushed. The three girls' eyebrows rose, not aware of Ginny's crush on their seeker. The Weasley siblings were the only ones who knew this. Not anymore it seemed. "And George never shuts up about you, Angie. It's so bloody irritating, you know? I can't get one summer without hearing my siblings blab about who they fancy-"

"Wait a minute," Alicia shook her head ferociously. "George fancies Angelina?" She gasped.
"Yes, he never stops talking about her. It drives me up the wall." You whined in an annoyed voice.
Angelina was stunned into silence. It didn't matter that she was unable to find the words seeing as Alicia did. "He told you?"
You scoffed. "'Course he didn't! I heard him talking to Fred about it just about a million times. The walls are awfully thin in the Burrow and I have the misfortune of having my room next to Fred and George. Bad luck follows me around."
"You hear that, Angie?" Katie asked her with an excited grin. "He fancies you. Alicia did tell you though, didn't she?"
"He can't," Angelina denied. "He only sees me as a friend, I swear."
This got a scoff out of Alicia but your drunken ramblings had interrupted whatever direction their conversation about George's recently outed, and it would seem reciprocated, crush would take. "George and even Ginny could date someone on the Quidditch team but not me." You said moodily as you slumped further into the couch and crossed your arms as you glared at nothing in particular.
"They prohibit you dating Quidditch players then?" Alicia chuckled. She thought that maybe you fancied Roger Davies, perhaps. It wasn't like you had shown any interest in someone in your own house.
"Only their Quidditch Captain." You huffed. "They act like I can't protect myself - as if I can't date who I please! It's just-"
"I'm sorry," Angelina said shocked as she leaned forward towards you. "You fancy Wood?" The three girls exchanged a surprised and curious look. The thought of anyone fancying their Captain was a humorous one on its own but with the addition of the person fancying him being Y/N Weasley - well, they could only hope to see how this would turn out. He'd be mad not to fancy her back, they thought. All the Weasleys were shockingly gifted with good looks - as Angelina would clearly concur - but the older Weasley girl turned heads with her looks. The Gryffindor chasers had thought until now that no one had turned her head, definitely no one in their own house. It turned out someone had turned her head but she just didn't want anymore the find out lest Fred and George unleash hell on the Captain.
"Yeah, I do." You sighed dreamily which would have made them laugh if the new information hadn't sent the girls minds into hyperdrive. "But my brothers ruin everything." You said bitterly.
"If they found out I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad." Katie said optimistically but even she didn't believe a word she said. Last year Fred and George had caught wind that a Hufflepuff in your year was going to ask you out and pranked him rather unkindly. They didn't even know the boy - just pranked him for having the nerve to ask out their sister.
"That's likely." You scoffed. Your expression turned rather gloomy as you rested your head on the armchair and spoke, your voice muffled slightly. "Doesn't matter, really though, does it? He doesn't fancy me, probably only sees me as the Weasley boy's sister and family friend of Harry Potter."
"That's ridiculous." Alicia scoffed. "You're gorgeous - smart as a whip too."
"It's true," Angelina insisted, seeing how unaffected you were by their words. "Wood's just too obsessed with Quidditch to notice."
"They can't prank their Captain, can they?" Katie perked up. She was right. It wasn't like they could prank their own Captain. Fred and George weren't suicidal. Though, when it came to you who was to say what they wouldn't do. While the three girls exchanged glances at this realization, your eyes had started to droop and Alicia had told you to go to bed and you made no moves to disagree as you stumbled up to the sixth year girls dorms.
Angelina, Alicia and Katie knew that something had to be done about you and Wood. It was only two days later when the three girls put their plan into action the next day at Quidditch practice. They had to find out if Wood felt the same way about Y/N Weasley. The only time they could do this was after practice was over. The only risk was that this would have to be done in front of the two people who wouldn't be thrilled if their captain felt the same. They couldn't outright ask Wood if he fancied you, that wasn't subtle enough. They needed a segue and you had provided a rather useful one the other day. As they all landed on the pitch and made their way to the showers, Alicia shot Angelina a look. "Harry, did you know Ginny fancies you?" Angelina said rather bluntly, which earned her an elbow in the ribs from Alicia. "Anyways - you can only wonder one day if things will change. Someday you only saw someone as something, then it becomes something more." She said rather vaguely. The fours boys furrowed their eyebrows at Angelina's odd statement, each more confused than the next. No more than Harry himself.
"What?" Their young seeker had a strange look on his face. "I don't see Ginny like that-"
"Give it a few years," Alicia replied in a firm tone. "You'd be surprised how you'll feel then, right Angelina?" She turned toward the other chaser who was giving a look so harsh towards her friend, Alicia would be dead on the Quidditch Pitch if looks could kill. Luckily for Angelina, and probably Alicia, George was none the wiser.
Still, as the Gryffindor Quidditch team was ridden with sweat despite the cold morning air, after getting a shower, they all headed to the Great Hall again to get breakfast. They caught a glimpse of you as you buttered a piece of toast with Percy sitting next to you as he read the Daily Prophet and made a move to sit near you.
"Hi Y/N." Katie smiled at you and you instantly smiled back warmly at her.
"Morning girls. Good practice?" You asked but seeing Harry's stricken face and the twins looking as if they were up to something, you raised your eyebrows amused. "That bad, then?"
You saw Harry sit down and he looked as if he had just received some terrible news. Glancing at Fred and George sitting themselves next to Lee Jordan across from the three chasers to your right you gave them a scrutinizing glance. "What did you do to him?"
"What're you on about?" George asked as he went to put eggs on his plate.
You scoffed. "What have you done to upset Harry?" You gestured to your left lazily with your butter knife.
"We haven't done a thing!" Fred said, not liking the third degree from you this early in the morning.
"Sure, you didn't," You mumbled and placed your butter knife down on the table. "Why is he upset then?"
"What you told us the other night at the party in the Common Room," Alicia said casually, already knowing you didn't remember. "That your sister fancies him."
You quickly whipped your head towards her, nearly hitting Percy with your hair. "No," You said aghast. "I didn't."
The look on the girls faces was all the confirmation you needed. "I did." You stared down at your plate with horror. Ginny would kill you. It didn't matter that you were four years older, she would kill you. If she didn't, well, Molly Weasley just might. Especially if she found out you told someone while you were so drunk you had no recollection. "I'm never drinking again." You said rubbing your temple. Remembering who was sitting near you, your eyes shot up at Fred and George. "If you tell mum, I swear to Merlin himself I'll kill you."
"With that butter knife?" Fred asked, amused as he cut his sausage, enjoying the sight of you realizing your drunken mistakes in the cold light of day.
"I could, you know!" You said equally upset and embarrassed. "Or your beater's bat, doesn't really matter to me."
"So violent," George murmured under his breath which got him a harsh glare from you.
Luckily for him, your harsh gaze was focused on another person soon after. Hearing Ron's low laughs you turned towards him and Harry. The look you were giving the pair of them should have been enough to make him stop laughing, but it only egged him on and he was desperately trying to stop laughing to no avail. "And you," You said to Harry as you once again held the butter knife threateningly. Thank Merlin that Ginny hadn't come down to breakfast yet. "If Ginny finds out I'll lose my bloody mind and my head, so you better not tell her, Harry Potter!"
Harry turned to Ron with a confused look. "Wasn't she just feeling bad for me a few minutes ago?"
Ron shrugged with an indifferent yet confused expression. "Older sisters, I suppose. Just be lucky you don't have one."
"I heard that, Ron." You gritted your teeth. Taking a deep breath you said, "If Mum finds out I'll kill all of you, I swear." The calmness of your voice was slightly jarring.
"That you got piss poor drunk or told three people about Ginny's feelings?" Fred asked, amused.
You shot him a fierce glare. "Either or, doesn't matter Fred." Glancing to your left at Percy still reading the paper. "All of you expect Percy, of course." You smiled tightly.
"Percy?" George asked, affronted. "You'd kill your favorite twin but spare Percy?"
Fred shot his twin an offended look.
"Percy minds his business," You said simply with a tight smile. "Unlike the rest of you."
"By 'the rest of you' you mean.." George trailed off.
"You two and Ron, yes." You smiled and then looked over at Percy as he read. "You won't tell mum, right?" You asked with raised eyebrows.
Without looking up from his paper as he continued to read he said, "There would be no point."
You smiled at him and turned your head back around towards Fred and George. "See?" You asked rhetorically as your eyebrows were raised up and a smirk tugged at your lips. "This is why Percy's my favorite."
"You're joking." Fred deadpanned as he jaw slacked. "That's just offensive. To think my favorite sibling-"
"Come off it," You interrupted and rolled your eyes at him. "We all know George is your favorite."
"My favorite sister, then." Fred smirked.
"Ginny will be gutted." You dryly said. "Percy minds his business. Can't say that for you two, can I?"
"We mind our business!" George said abruptly. "How can you say we don't mind our business."
"Tell that to every boy you've pranked that even thought about asking me out." You said nonchalantly.
"That's different - we're defending your honor." Fred defended.
"I'm a witch, not a damsel in distress, Fred." You said sarcastically. "I can make my own decisions, you know."
"Just don't want you to settle is all. We know whoever you end up with will be good enough." George said. "We're just making sure no gits ask you out."
You scoffed, tired of their need to treat you like a little girl who needs to be protected. "Oh, I can't wait til you to manage to get a girlfriend. Maybe that will get you off my back. It'll be Fred that manages first, I reckon."
Fred smirked. "Seeing I'm the better looking twin-"
"Better looking twin, really?" George scoffed, the subject of them intervening as your love life long forgotten. "Who's to say it won't be me, you know, sense I'm the better looking twin?" He smirked back at Fred who huffed.
Before Fred could shoot back a retort you answered George's question. "Because Fred would tell the girl he fancied instead of talking about her every waking minute at home."
Realization had struck George's face of how he had talked about Angelina to Fred nonstop the entire summer. He gulped and tried to mask his expression rather poorly. "You don't know-"
"Yes, I do." You corrected in a plain voice. "Thin walls."
This was enough to get a laugh out of Fred and a grimace out of George. "If you've told anyone-" He said threatenly as you rolled your eyes.
"Relax," You chided. "I'm not going to tell anyone."
"Like how you told no one about Ginny when you're drunk?" Ron suddenly chimed in as he laughed.
Guilt and regret struck your face. Have you? No, you would've remembered. But you didn't remember telling the three girls about Ginny's crush on Harry. Oh Merlin, what was that about never drinking again? You turned and looked at George who had looked rather a bit like your mother, you thought, as he looked just as cross as Molly Weasley was when she found out that the twins and Ron had stolen your dad's flying car to get Harry. You cleared your throat uncomfortably at George's steely gaze. "I didn't," You laughed disbelievingly. "I wouldn't." You insisted.
You turned to Alicia. "I didn't, right, Alicia? I didn't, you know, share any secrets I wasn't supposed to know?" You nervously flickered your eyes back to George. You'd be no one's favorite sister after today if this kept happening.
Alicia had made the definitive decision to give you a white lie. "Only who you fancy."
Oh bloody hell. You did not tell the three chasers that you fancy their captain, Oliver Wood. Speaking of Oliver, you didn't notice that down the table his head had whipped up and zoned in on the conversation taking place between several of the Weasley siblings.
"Oh." You lamely said.
George was too relieved that Angelina had no idea about his secret, but Fred could only jump at this new revelation. "You fancy someone?" He asked you with squinted eyes as he scrutinized you.
"No." You said defensively and too quickly to not be lying. That and the sudden rise in your pitch as your voice cracked. "I don't fancy anyone." You scoffed and everyone could tell you were uncomfortable - even Ron who was as thick as one could be when it came to reading the room. The boy in question was looking at you with a doubtful look next to his jet-black haired best friend who looked just as unconvinced. Fred and George looked at you judging your every move, just waiting to know who it was their sister - who was far too good for anyone at Hogwarts as far as they were concerned - fancied. The worst part wasn't even Fred's intense facial features, it was the fact that Percy, who had been entirely disinterested until now, had looked up from his newspaper.
Oh bloody hell.
"Who is it, Y/N?" Fred asked and you looked at him as annoyed as you were uncomfortable. At your silence, he turned to George and began conspiring as if you couldn't hear them. "It's not like it's someone we would know, right?" He asked Geroge, which he agreed to in a nod.
"You don't think," George grimaced. "Davies? Merlin, of all the people?" he caught your overexaggerated eye roll and turned to you, raising his eyebrows mockingly.
"Not Davies, then." George concluded.
"Still isn't anyone we know." Fred stated as if it was factual information but he caught the look on your face as you turned your nose to your right and half-crinkled it - your nervous tick. His eyes bulged. "No." He said taken back and thoroughly grief stricken.
"It is someone we know!" George was shocked. "Wait- don't tell me it's Lee?" He looked turned off at the thought.
You pulled a disgusted face. "He's a year younger than me, you git!" They really had to go and make everything about them, didn't they?
"No one else we know who it could be." George murmured and Fred agreed. An optimist would say they would give up but you knew better. You side glanced at Percy who you found already looking at you with what could be considered an amused expression on his face. It was all very un-Percy like.
"Really?" He whispered as he held in a chuckle. "Wood?"
You pulled a facial expression of shock and embarrassment. Unlike with Fred and George, you didn't bother lying. "Perhaps."
Although no one had heard the brief conversation between the two of you, the rare chuckle from Percy caught everyone's attention, especially Fred and George's.
"Are you laughing, Perce?" Fred asked, nearly falling out of his chair in shock.
Fred didn't even have to ask him why he was laughing for him to throw you under the bus. "Just Y/N telling me who she fancies is all."
You shot your older brother an incredibly offended look. You wondered what would happen if your mum found out he had a girlfriend. One could only wonder who would tell her.
"Who?" Fred demanded and for once Percy, much to your dismay, didn't object.
Picking his paper back up he said in an all too casual voice for the severity and embarrassment that would soon affect you, "Oliver Wood." He began reading where he had left off, completely unbothered.
Everyone looked rather shocked with the exception of Percy and Angelia, Alicia and Katie. Your head fell and you rested it in your left palm and you grumbled bitterly, "I'm going to kill you, Percy."
"How nice to be included in your list of family members given death threats." He said nonchalantly. And the twins said Percy didn't know what a joke was. That statement, if anything, was a joke.
In your embarrassment of this whole ordeal you didn't notice Oliver's smile that had turned into a grin. "Y/N," He said with the smile evident in his voice, earning your attention. You lifted your head and braved a glance at him, hoping the embarrassment hadn't flooded your cheeks. "How does next Saturday sound?"
"Sorry?" You questioned with a confused expression as you frowned.
"Next Saturday," His smile widened. "For our date at the Three Broomsticks."
If your cheeks were red with any embarrassment, they were now pink from adoration at Oliver. "Yeah," You said as casually as you could but your dopey smile and pink cheeks contradicted your tone. "I'd love that, Oliver."
Before turning away he only said, "I'll be looking forward to it then, Weasley." The way he said your last name is so different from how he said it for your brother's. Instead of annoyance and frustration, there was that some adoration and the blossoms of new love in its place. You turned your head back and couldn't stop the smile placed on your face. Even though you were inclined to think that Fred and George would meddle, you couldn't help but not care what they would try to do - not when Oliver knew what your brother's were like and when you would be going on a date with the only person in all of Hogwarts you wanted to. It was at that moment that Ginny made her appearance
"Hello, sorry I'm late - overslept." Ginny had said in her quiet voice as she strolled in late into the Great Hall, sitting herself besides Percy and across from Ron. "Did I miss anything?" Strangely enough, there wasn't a trace of awkwardness in the air that there ought to be as Ron gave a simple reply. "Nothing much, Gin."

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