part fifteen

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Anna could feel every single nerve in her body light up and her lips start burning

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Anna could feel every single nerve in her body light up and her lips start burning. And this feeling stayed even as the two parted lips and stood there standing in silence. Pure peace.

Anna took a step back and while staring deeply into Lexa's eyes a wide smile formed on her lips.

Lexa gave her a puzzled look and asked, "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing. I'm just happy. I've felt so alone since I got down here, since forever if I'm honest but I don't right now." she answered.

The brunette closed the distance between them and added, "you won't have to be alone anymore. You have me now." She gave Anna a quick peck and grabbed her hand, "let's get out, it's getting cold."

Anna followed Lexa out and as they had no way of drying them selves off they slid down in the grass letting the suns warm rays dry them off. Lexa had only gotten her under garments wet but Anna was completely drenched.

"Lexa, because of you I'm completely soaked." Anna complained.

"That's not my problem," she joked, "you should take off your jacket and your pants and lay them down on those rocks so they dry faster."

Anna debated it for a second, taking her clothes off in front of Lexa? But yet again Lexa had done the same. She took off her jacket and her jeans leaving her in a tank top and her underwear bottoms.

As she went to lay down next to Lexa again a thought crossed her mind. Something that had been scaring her ever since she found out that there were grounders. How would she ever be able to defend herself?



"I want you to teach me how to fight. I want to be able to defend myself and the people I care about." said the blonde.

Lexa was surprised by the proposal but quickly accepted, "Sure" she reached to get her jacket and pulled out a knife, "you can use this, get up."

Anna grabbed the knife from Lexa's hand and quickly rose up to stand in front of Lexa. She could feel the weight of the knife in her hand and felt safer already.

"You start. Try to take me down." said Lexa.

Anna hesitated for a second but soon enough she threw her self eagerly at Lexa but in less than a second she was on the ground and the knife had flown out of her hand.

"Try again. Try not to be so predictable." said Lexa helping her up.

And so Anna did. She tried and tried again but in every attempt she ended up on the floor or with the knife up to her neck.

After what felt like hours and Anna's limbs were sore she tried one last time. This time catching Lexa by surprise when she wasn't looking. And quickly the blonde was on top of the brunette with a knife to her neck.

"I did it." said Anna happily.

"Good job. Now all you would have to do is make the kill." said Lexa.

After hearing that Anna climbed down from her position on top of Lexa and reflected. She would have to actually take a life. It's either that or she would die.

Lexa saw Anna's uneasiness and added, "only when you have to"

Which did not make Anna feel any better about the possible murderer she might become in the near future.

It had gotten dark while the two had been training and so Anna grabbed her clothes, that had now dried, and put them on.

"I need to go now it really dark." Said Anna.

Lexa quickly got her things and answered, "I'll walk with you to your camp. It's dangerous when it's dark plus I don't want you to get lost."

"Okay thank you."

And so the two set off towards the 100's camp. The two walked in silence but a comfortable one. They both seemed to grow comfortable in each other's presence. They soon reached the camp.

"Thank you for today Lexa. I had fun." Said Anna.

"I did too Anna." She said, "I'll see you soon?"

Anna nodded her head and Lexa turned around to head off.

"Wait Lexa." exclaimed Anna, "your knife." She handed it to Lexa.

"Keep it." said the brunette with a smile.

Anna watched Lexa walk off into the woods before shoving Lexa's- her knife into her pocket and heading into camp. As she was heading towards her claimed area she was stopped by Octavia.

"Anna where the hell have you been." she asked but before letting Anna answer she continued, "you know what it doesn't matter. Clarke has managed to set up a meeting with the grounder leader."

Anna was shocked to her this. "What? How?"

"Through Lincoln. It's happening tomorrow she asked me to tell you that she wants to talk to you."

"Okay thank you. I'll go find her." Said Anna before heading off towards the drop ship guessing that that's where Clarke was.

"Clarke?" She called out as she reached the drop ship.

"She's not here." Said a male voice which soon revealed to be Finn's. "But i am?"

Anna rolled her eyes and asked, "have you seen Clarke? I need to talk to her."

"I haven't but why would you want her when you could hang out with me." he said with a creepy smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you that I do not want to ever hang out with you." she said raising  her voice slightly.

"I'm sure we could have so much fun." He said getting up and walking towards Anna and backing her into a corner.

"Finn get away from me you creep. How many times do I have to reject you before it gets into your tiny brain." Anna was now shouting.

Before Finn could do anything else, Clarke walked through the door and as her eyes laid on Finn and Anna. She connected the dots and strode towards them.

"Finn stop harassing Anna. Get the hell out." said Clarke strongly.

"Jeez you girls are so cranky are you all on your period or something." He said as he reluctantly walked out.

Clarke quickly went to check on Anna. "Hey you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." She said trying to brush off what had just happened. "Octavia told me you wanted to talk to me."

"Yeah. I've set up a meeting tomorrow with the grounders leader. Im going to try to negotiate some sort of peace treaty. And I want you to come with me."

"Me? Why?" Anna questioned.

"Because I know I can trust you and that you won't do anything irrational. Lincoln and Octavia will also be there but that's it. I don't want anyone else finding out until we actually make peace with them."

"Okay I'll go." said Anna. If they made peace with the grounders that would mean peace for everyone. Maybe she would even be able to introduce Lexa to her friends.

"Perfect, we're leaving at sunrise meet with me at the gate. Now go sleep you'll need to be rested." said Clarke kindly.

Anna did just that and as she fell asleep the nerves of the approaching day filled her.

the sky and the ground (LEXA)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara