Start from the beginning

kyle two sat down on the mii channel floor, sighing. it looked back up at the screen, and pulled its knees up to its chest.

the mii stared forward blankly. it wanted to make kyle happy, but the two just couldn't agree. it felt like it failed its purpose. kyle two thought for a bit.

who was getting in the way? the source of disagreement between the two was henry. they both knew that well. kyle two didn't see the point in deleting him at all.

after all, it wouldn't fix anything. kyle had to know that, right? killing henry would only complicate things. sam would be angry, who knows how austin would react. and there's no way kyle could even get to henry alone without committing some crime.

how far would he go for that? kyle two didn't know. it wanted to make things right again. sitting up, the mii hadn't even noticed austin and henry's disappearance. it couldn't shake the feeling that those two were going to do something kyle and sam.

maybe it was just being paranoid.

a sliding sound began emanating from the view of the outside world, and kyle two looked up. the wii was being turned around, and kyle was on the screen again. he seemed to stare right at kyle two. there was a click as a slot on the wii was opened, and then the screen went black.

the mii channel faded out from under kyle two, leaving it in some sort of a free fall into a dark abyss. the mii looked around for austin and henry, who conveniently appeared next to it.

"oh MY FUCKING GOD," austin yelled, "what's the wii's daily fucking error this time?!"

"he... took the sd card out. oh shit. we boutta get kidnapped," henry said, half-joking.

"what's an sd card?" kyle two asked henry.

"something that holds all the data in the wii, including our spirits. and kyle may or may not be about to smash it into little bits."

"we were so close! why does he have to do this now?" austin complained.

"last time he did this it didn't take that long for us to be placed somewhere. i think he might be putting us in his pc, like before."

"i think NOT, henry, because his pc would be at his house. we don't even know where he lives, or how close he is to sam. why would you get a wii sd card to put in your laptop in the middle of the night?"

"austin has a point. but i don't he's gonna kill us. i mean, he might kill you two. but not me," kyle two reasoned.

"yeah, let's just forget about that entire fight you two just had. if you won't help him, then you're worthless in his eyes. kyle wouldn't spare you," henry hissed.

kyle two cast its eyes down in guilt.

"i'm useful.. i just don't agree with him, that's all."

the mii tilted itself backwards in its free fall, looking up at the sky. it wasn't much of a sky, since it was still black.

"i don't get why he thinks you can do anything. not to be rude, but you're kinda small and you don't have a weapon."

"like i said before, i have teeth and i will bite you."

"GoD, can you two FOCUS!? i feel like i'm in a fucking psych ward. let's recap, right? all of us may or may not be about to die. we are in the hands of kyle. sam definitely isn't up, so we're basically fucked. anything you guys wanna try?"

kyle two spun around in the air.

"not much we can do anyways. why don't we just trust him for once?"

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