Lend Me Your Hand (1/4)

Start from the beginning

Jennie just huffs her chest in exaggeration, "Whatever." She sends a quick glare at Jisoo. "Just don't bother me, okay?" As she leaves, she rolls her eyes at the new sound of footsteps that will follow her for years.

----- 16 -----

As time went by, her parents' hope of the two being friends never came to any real fruition. This was due to a mix of Jennie continuously rejecting the fact that she has a bodyguard and that Jisoo was often way too focused on her job to ever let loose. It also didn't help that Jennie's request of not being bothered didn't hold up either.

"AAAHHH GET OUT!" Jennie screams when the door to her room bursts open and Jisoo appears with high alert etched on her face. Jennie was so caught up with her emotions switching from fear to anger that she forgot that she had pushed Kai off of her bed. She silently starts to wish that the boy stays quiet.

"I thought I heard something, your Highness," Jisoo says casually as she starts to walk, looking around to survey the room. 

"What did I tell you about coming into my room?" Jennie questions, hoping to make Jisoo stop moving around.

"To knock first, but-"

"Exactly! So, get out!" Jennie reaches back to grab and throw one of her pillows at her bodyguard. In the beginning, she'd never do such a thing, but she eventually realized that Jisoo wouldn't be able to retaliate so being hit with a soft cushion was something that the bodyguard was used to by now.

"Hey!" Jisoo pouts once hit, but as expected remained unfazed as she continued her check. "I'm just making sure you're alright and I'm not-"

"Leaving until it's all clear blah blah blah," Jennie mocks. Soon after, however, she starts to panic once Jisoo begins approaching the other side of her bed.

"Jisoo, it's all clear. You don't need to look anymore," Jennie tries after moving her eyes frantically as if conducting a search herself, but Jisoo squints her eyes in suspicion and keeps walking. "This is an order! I order you to leave!"

"All due respect, I don't take orders from you, your Highness," Jisoo smirks and Jennie hates it because she knows the girl was right. The Princess falls back on her bed with a grunt when Jisoo finally takes notice of the figure lying on the floor on the other side of the bed. "Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here again, huh Kai?"

Jisoo aggressively grabs the boy to make him stand and starts pulling him out of the room, making Jennie take notice, "Jisoo, stop being so rough with him!" She immediately hops off of her bed and trails behind Jisoo, yelling at her to let her boyfriend go as they make their way to the castle doors.

"Dude, c'mon!" Kai genuinely tries to fight her off, but it was to no avail with Jisoo's grip locked on tightly. It was moments like this that made Jennie realize just how strong Jisoo was. (She wouldn't say it outloud, but it also made Jisoo look very hot every time.) Once they reach the doors, the bodyguard hands him to the castle guards.

"Look who's here again gentlemen. You know what to do," Jisoo says and the two other guards bow to Jennie before giving the bodyguard respectful nods and leading Kai out of the castle.

"Goodnight, Jennie! I'll see you soon!" Kai yells out as the castle doors close and Jennie waves just before the doors are completely shut.

"I'll take you to your room, your Highness," Jisoo says as she extends her arm for Jennie to hold. But Jennie just pushes it away with a scoff.

"I hate you," Jennie starts to walk towards her room. "I don't know why you keep treating him like this every time. He didn't do anything wrong."

"He snuck in after hours... again," Jisoo follows.

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