Thanksgiving Salon

Start from the beginning

"Hi, I'm Abigail," said the woman, holding out her hand with a beaming smile.

Taylor shook her hand and said, "I'm Taylor."

"Just look at you, you're gorgeous, honey," said Abigail. "When I called around asking for a stylist, they said you were the best. Now I see it's obvious with the way you do your own hair."

"Oh, well thanks," said Taylor with a slight blush. When Abigail moved into her chair, she asked, "So what can I do for you today?"

"I need a coloring and probably a trim," said Abigail.

Taylor inspected Abigail's mousy brown hair. "Are you thinking something a little lighter? Maybe some blonde highlights."

"Oh, that's sweet of you to think, but I'm afraid I'm too old for blonde highlights. I'd like to stay as natural as I can while hiding the gray."

"I think I know just the color for you," said Taylor.

"I'll trust you. You're the professional," replied Abigail.

As Taylor mixed color into a dish, she asked her usual get-to-know-you questions. Abigail replied with friendly answers before saying, "There's really not much interesting about me. I'd much rather talk about you. What's a beautiful girl like you get up to for fun these days?"

Taylor talked about her apartment and the guys she had been dating. Then she described a future trip down to Destin, Florida. Of all the beaches on the Gulf Coast, she thought Destin was the best.

"I wish I had a son you could be interested in," said Abigail with a laugh. "But all mine are married off. I do have a sweet daughter-in-law close by, who I'm sure you'd like. About your age, maybe a little older. I just love her to death. She's such a good mama, so patient with everyone."

"She sounds nice," said Taylor, automatically.

"Oh she is. I'd spend every waking moment with her if I could. Thanksgiving was nice that way. I love a day when family can just be together. Don't you think?"

"Oh yeah," agreed Taylor.

"I know that some folks like going on trips or out to restaurants on Thanksgiving, but for me I like being home. Gives me a cozy feeling."

Abigail asked about Taylor's family and they discovered they knew some of the same people from Tupelo, Mississippi.

"I think that's about got it," said Taylor, adding the final piece of foil and swipe of color to Abigail's hair. "I'm going to take you back to the lamps and let this set a while."

Abigail followed Taylor to the second of two waiting rooms containing heat-lamp chairs. Taylor offered Abigail a drink and then turned to leave.

"When you come get me, I'll tell you a funny Thanksgiving story," said Abigail. "Don't let me forget."

Taylor returned to the first waiting room to find that Kayla's heat treatment had barely finished. Taylor helped her to one of the rinse and shampoo stations and pulled the foils from the newly colored hair. Kayla was fussy about the water temperature, but when Taylor finally got it right, she rinsed, washed, and conditioned. Then they walked back to Taylor's station for a trim and style.

"You were going to tell me about the Thanksgiving disaster," said Taylor, as she carefully snipped.

"Oh right. You won't believe this. We'd finished eating and everyone was lying around the living room. For some reason, my mother-in-law opened the back door and let in their dogs. These are two of the dumbest animals you've ever seen. So what do they do?"

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