chapter 17 - checking off things

Start from the beginning

We make it into our room, more like our mini villa. I keep the bags on the table and take a tour of the place. It has a big living room, which parts ways to the main bedroom and a separate master bathroom. The bathroom has a bathtub too, big enough to fit the both of us, which brings an automatic smirk on Hardin's face. I shake my head and walk into our actual room, which is the same size, a bit smaller, than our bedroom back home. It's all so beautiful and clean, that's the thing I love most.

"Tess come over here" Hardin calls from outside when I was looking through the closet.

I join him in the living area, he is standing by the window with closed blinds. As soon as I reach him, he opens the blinds and the site in front of me takes my breath away. We're surrounded by water as this room is on a pier, there are beautiful lights hung on a rope that go around all the villas around us. The snow is just adding more sparkle. It's an absolutely gorgeous site which is making my heart so happy. I cannot wait to watch the sun rise from here tomorrow.

"You like it?" he pulls me closer, putting his arm around me and I rest my head sideways on his chest.

"I absolutely love it" I look up at his twinkling green eyes and a smile emerges on his face, lighting up my heart even more.

"You should change, get comfortable, I'll order us some food and then we can go for a walk" he says but the thought of walking in such cold temperature is kind of scaring me. "Or we can just stay in here" he says after reading my tensed face.

"No no, I'd love to go for a walk. It's so beautiful outside" I wrap my arms around him and so does he, while kissing the top of my head.


After our delicious late dinner, sitting beside the window by the fireplace, talking and laughing about stuff, we are now going for a walk in the city.

I am wearing a full sleeves t-shirt and sweats underneath my coat, but I couldn't care less. We're on a vacation and I will wear accordingly. Hardin too has his hoodie and sweats on beneath his coat.

"Shall we?" he holds out his hand for me and I grab it, as we both walk outside the villa.

The temperature has dropped even more but Hardin somehow radiates heat when I wrap my arms around his arm, holding him tightly.

"It's so beautiful out here" I tell him as we walk by the waterside, kicking the snow ahead of me.

"It is, isn't it" he takes a deep breath and looks down to face me. It's like he read my mind when he bends down and clashes his cold lips against mine, sending a current of warmth inside my body. I take in his essence and I can't help but smile when he pulls back, taking in his bottom lip. Two strands of his hair are resting down on his forehead, his green eyes looking directly into my soul, and his gorgeous smile causing tingles in my body. He looks so handsome right now, I can never express how lucky I feel that I own his heart, this charming guy's heart.

"What?" he chuckles lightly, probably after noticing me practically drooling at him.

"Nothing" I shake my head and rest it on his shoulder, and we continue to walk in comfortable silence.

After about 20 minutes of walking and enjoying each other's warmth, we find a bench and decide to take a little break. It faces the frozen water reflecting the city's lights, just perfect.

The air is getting thinner and thinner, I am scared something might go wrong but I hope not because I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

"I got us some lattes" he hands me the hot cup and takes a seat beside me, scooting closer.

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